To Those Who Put Their Faith In The Bible...

by AGuest 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    May you have peace!

    I would like to ask a couple questions of you, if you will accommodate me. Please know that I ask both in ALL sincerity: I am not trying to inflame, incense or offend. Rather, it is my sincere wish only to incite thinking on the issues raise and even discussion, if desired.

    (Please NOTE: If you are someone who feels the need to respond, I would ask that before responding you consider, first, to whom the questions are addressed (see salutation, above), as well as from whom it is offered (I have not changed), as discussion with any others is really outside the scope of this particular post. I have no problem with additional discussion elsewhere, however. I digress.)

    My first question (to those who put faith in the Bible is):

    If you TRULY believe what is written in the Bible... and TRULY believe that the Bible is/contains the truth... and is/contains God's word... and the Bible states what God's Truth is... and what God's Word is...

    John 14:6; John 8:32, John 8:36; John 17:17; Hebrews 13:12; Revelation 19:13; John 1:14; John 1:1; John 14:6

    ... what prevents you from doing as the Bible says to do... and putting your faith where it says to put your faith?
    John 3:16; John 9:35; John 12:44; John 7:37-38; Matthew 11:28-30

    While I cannot, of course, answer for anyone specifically, I would like to suggest that perhaps, for some, it may be the result of adhering to a Bible version that mistransliterates one of the most important statements made by our Lord: John 5:39, 30. For those who adhere to the KJV, I would implore you to read these verses again, using any other version than the KJV. Any other version, including the NKJV.

    Another reason may be what Paul was recorded to have written to the Corinthian congregation in his third letter (which you know as "'Second' Corinthians"...), which you can read in pretty much any version and get the same message.

    (Please note that I quote from the NWT here, 'cause that's probably the version most who come here, and certainly those who are just out, have at home these days. Please also forgive my formatting: where you see caps, I really only wished to use italics, for emphasis. Unfortunately, my posting skills are limited and so, when I post, I usually lose all formatting and have to go back in and redo it. I don’t have time for that today, so I’ve used caps for emphasis instead. Please consider what is to follow in a hushed tone, for I am not "shouting," not at all, but only trying to help you see what Paul was speaking of. Where a word is capitalized, then, please... place emphasis, and only emphasis, not animonsity, on that word. Thank you!).

    Okay, then, Paul's statement can be found at 2 Corinthians 3:12-16 and reads:

    "Therefore, since WE have such a hope,
    are using great FREEDOM… of speech,
    and NOT doing
    as when Moses would put a VEIL upon HIS face,
    that the sons of Israel might NOT gaze intently…
    at the END
    OF THAT…
    WHICH WAS TO BE DONE AWAY WITH (i.e., the Law Covenant!).

    But THEIR mental powers... were DULLED.
    the SAME veil REMAINS...
    IT (the Old Covenant!) WAS DONE AWAY WITH...

    In FACT... WHENEVER... Moses is read...
    a VEIL...
    WHEN THERE IS A TURNING TO THE LORD* (and HIS [new] covenant!)
    the veil...

    *The NWT erroneously places the name "Jehovah," here; however, I refer you to the footnote in the Reference version for a more accurate transliteration.
    Anyway, what does Paul's statement here mean? It means, for those who believe that adhering to the Law Covenant, that every time you use ITas a means for “gauging” how we can “measure up” (or fail to measure up) to God and “please” Him… you have a VEIL over your heart, which VEIL… obscures from YOUR sight… the GLORY OF GOD. What does that mean? It means… that so long as you look at THAT Law… you CANNOT SEE GOD. Why?

    Because a veil… a CURTAIN… lies BETWEEN… you… and Him.

    BUT… when you turn to the CHRIST… the veil… curtain… is LIFTED… so that THROUGH HIM (the Door, Christ)… you CAN gaze into the MOST Holy… and see… the glory… of God. That glory... is... like all other things that are "yes" with God... the Christ, himself.

    If then, you TRULY want to see God… why not LIFT the veil... and see... CHRIST? But how does one do that? Just as Paul said: turn to the LORD. Remember, it was Satan who turned away from our Lord! We, however, must turn AWAY from the “old” law… and turn TOWARD... keep our faces TOWARD... the "cover"... the Propitiatory... of the “NEW” Law. CHRIST. Follow HIM… your Leader and Mediator of a NEW Covenant… and NOT Moses… who was the leader and mediator of the OLD Covenant, for the nation of Israel! It really, truly, is as simple as that.

    Which leads me to my second question:

    The WTBTS makes that claim that although they do admonish people to read the Watchtower and Awake! Magazines, the ultimate “authority” is the Bible. They say that those publications point ones to “God’s word, the Bible”… and so should be considered only as guides, but not the final authority. So, it’s not hard to understand when ones get… well, frustrated when, although the Society, through the WT and AW, says that the Bible is the final authority, they are still required to refer to the WT and AW… as the “final” authority.

    Yet, most do this very same thing with the Bible!

    I ask you:if the Bible says that CHRIST is the final authority… that CHRIST is the Truth… that CHRIST is God’s Word… that CHRIST is your guide and leader… that CHRIST is your mediator… that NO ONE comes to God EXCEPT THROUGH CHRIST… that CHRIST is the One by whom God speaks to us… that CHRIST is the WAY… that CHRIST is the Door… that CHRIST is the “narrow gate”… that CHRIST speaks to us… that CHRIST is the IMAGE of God… that it is only by means of CHRIST that we can see, hear and know God… that CHRIST is the method God uses to communicate with us… that CHRIST is the “faithful and true witness”… that ALL things are “yes”… by means of CHRIST…

    WHY… DO YOU STILL LOOK TO THE BIBLE… as… the truth… God’s Word… your guide… the way… the way to see, hear, know God… the method God uses to communicate with us… and OTHERS as your leader… mediator… and “faithful witness/slave”… or to tell you what is “yes” with God?
    I have to say to you who are in this position, decrying the WTBTS for placing the WT and AW over the Bible… is hypocrisy. For it is NO different… than placing the Bible… over God’s Chosen and Anointed One… His Son and Christ… the One about whom the Bible BEARS WITNESS… my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH… the Christ. It is NO different. While it is true that it contains writings meant to tell you ABOUT that One, NONE of those were ever intended to DISPLACE or REPLACE him.

    “Look! All authority… has been given… ME; in heaven… AND ON EARTH!”

    May those who wish it, have ears to HEAR… the TRUTH… and what that Spirit (of the Truth) and Bride KEEP saying:

    “Come! All you who are toiling and loaded down! Come! All you who are thirsting! Come! All you who are wishing: Take LIFE’S WATER… FREE!”

    I bid you the greatest of love… and peace.

    Servant to the Household of God, Israel, and all those who go with… and a slave of Christ, to time indefinite,


  • AlphaOmega


    I have to say that I am only racing through this board tonight... so can't look up those Bible references - so apologies if I either make your point again or trample all over it without meaning to.

    Whilst some would say that I put my faith in the "Bible", I would prefer to say that I put my faith in God.

    For the particular path that I have chosen, I am guided to the fact that Jesus is THE WAY... The "way" to what ? The "way" to God.

    The Bible is simply the a guidebook to the way - for me it is not the way.

    That said, I am having mental somersaults at the moment as I don't believe that God restricts himself to only speaking to (and guiding) Christians. That's just not his style. He's bigger than that - and more compassionate than hardliners and fundies perceive.

    Okay... as I said, I am just breezing through at the moment. I hope that this post was inline with what you intended.


  • Maddie

    I agree with you that Jesus said in the bible that it is to Him that we should go to receive salvation and that it is not gained through reading the scriptures.


  • lovelylil

    Hi friend,

    You raised a good point. Why do people put so must trust in understanding the Bible when head knowledge does not make one a Christian? We are to go directly to Christ. Learn from him, the chief perfector of the Christian faith, and follow him alone. Jesus himself admonished people not to put all thier stake in understanding or interpreting the scriptures;

    John 5:39-41

    39 You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life. These are the Scriptures that testify about me, 40 yet you refuse to come to me to have life

    Sadly some today like JW's spend all their time reading and studying and trying to interpret every letter of the scriptures that they miss out on getting to really know Jesus and thus never fully accept him as Lord of their lives. And its a shame because his load is kindly and light, as you brought out. And showing love and mercy are more important to him than study and knowlege.

    Peace, Lilly

  • myelaine


    I am with AO in regards to God not only speaking to Christians...God calls all people to Himself...He want's us all to be called "Christmen" in as much as only through Jesus Christ can we be made perfect and enter into Gods heavenly abode. Hebrews the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven, to God the judge of all, to the spirits of just men made perfect. To Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than that of Abel.

    love michelle

  • AGuest

    and thank you for your kind response.

    AO and Myelaine - I agree with you, assuming by "Christians" you mean those who simply make a profession of being so by reason of their religion, upbringing, "belief in Jeezus," etc. A true christian is not what someone believes they are... but what they in fact are, by means of holy spirit. And these... come from EVERY nation, tribe, tongue and people... and religion.

    Maddie and Lovelylil... HOW REFRESHING!! I do not know you [outside of knowing you through Christ, which I certainly do, now!], but THANK YOU!!

    May the undeserved kindness and mercy of my God and Father, the Most Holy One of Israel, whose name is JAH of Armies, and the peace and love of His Son and Christ, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH... be upon you... and your entire households... to time indefinite.

    I am your servant... and fellow slave of Christ,


  • myelaine

    hello again...

    "A true christian is not what someone believes they are... but what they in fact are, by means of holy spirit. And these... come from EVERY nation, tribe, tongue and people... and religion."

    and religion?...why is it that followers of some religions are loathe to call themselves Christian or even Christmen.....would not that same Holy Spirit rejoice in that designation?

    the Bible says:... He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son. But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murders, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. Rev 21:7-8

    love michelle

  • Honesty

    The Father who sent Me has Himself testified about Me. You have not heard His voice at any time, and you haven’t seen His form. You don’t have His word living in you, because you don’t believe the One He sent. You pore over the Scriptures because you think you have eternal life in them, yet they testify about Me. And you are not willing to come to Me that you may have life.

    John 5:37-40

    That leaves the JW out in satan's cold dark world, doesn't it.

  • AGuest

    and the greatest of love and peace to you!

    hello again...

    "A true christian is not what someone believes they are... but what they in fact are, by means of holy spirit. And these... come from EVERY nation, tribe, tongue and people... and religion."

    and religion?...

    Yes, and "religion"?

    why is it that followers of some religions are loathe to call themselves Christian or even Christmen.....

    Because of the istorical, heinous and hypocritical conduct of many imposters who call themselves "christians," but obviously (and yes, to those who ask, I mean obviously) they are not. How do we know they are not? By their "works," for one. The truth is, however, that they only fool themselves and each other (blind guides... leading the blind); they don't fool most non-"christians."

    would not that same Holy Spirit rejoice in that designation?

    It would... and it does! I did not say, however, that true christians are IN every nation, tribe, tongue, people... and religion. I said they come from such:

    "The kingdom of the heavens... is like a dragnet, let down into the sea and gathering up fish... of EVERY kind." Matthew 13:47

    "The doorkeeper opens to this one, and the sheep listen to HIS voice, and HE calls his own sheep by NAME... and leads them... OUT. When he has got all his OWN out... HE goes before them, and the sheep follow HIM... because... they know his voice." John 10:3, 4

    "... your blood you bought persons for God out of EVERY tribe and tongue and people and nation, and you made THEM to be a kingdom and priests to our God..." Revelation 5:9, 10

    the Bible says:... the cowardly... shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. Rev 21:7-8

    Indeed. But long before anyone has to worry about that (because that doesn't occur until after the 1,000 years have ended, which occurs after the 1,000 years, which begins AFTER my Lord returns), the words of my Lord recorded at Mark 8:37 should be on the mind:

    "For whoever becomes ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will also be ashamed of him... when he arrives in the glory of his Father with his holy angels."

    Some get this confused because they think the designation "adulterous and sinful" is with regard to sins of the flesh; this is an error, for my Lord himself socialized with such people, and reproved those who had a problem with it for, as he said, he came to call such sinners. Here, he is referring to those who are SPIRITUALLY "adulterous and sinful"... those who claim to have a husbandly owner, God, but have proved false to that "union" by their "fornication" with the kings of the earth... and their culpability for the blood of the Prophets and Holy Ones.

    I bid YOU the greatest of love, dear Michelle, and peace.

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • AGuest
    That leaves the JW out in satan's cold dark world, doesn't it.

    Indeed, it does!

    Peace to you!

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


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