To Those Who Put Their Faith In The Bible...

by AGuest 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • myelaine

    dear SA...

    "Because of the istorical, heinous and hypocritical conduct of many imposters who call themselves "christians," "...

    well...It seems to me that if God has touched the heart of someone and they have come to believe in and follow Jesus Christ the actions of another shouldn't have any bearing on their decision to be named a "Christian". As an example, look at those who have come out of the WBTS and have found themselves in a personal relationship with Jesus.

    I'm sorry, but I think that it is a cop-out to blame anothers actions for our own inaction in responding to the saving gospel of Jesus Christ. Bottom would be un-just.

    Where would we be if we chose to decline the invitation based on what Christians did in the middle-ages?

    love michelle

  • Blueblades

    For those that put their faith in any of the existing Holy Books found throughout all kinds of religious beliefs that puts one against the other so that the end result of such beliefs leads to so - called Holy Wars throughout the history of mankind that is still continuing till this day.

    These Holy Wars take the form of literal murder wherein men women and children get killed simply because of their beliefs and faith in some Holy Book each dying to the death that their book is the right one and the others are not.

    Where you are born in this world influences which book and belief system you will end of with.

    For those who put their faith in the Bible, or any other Holy Book, to me, it is still a leap of faith.

    For those who have had a very personal experience with Jesus, The Lord etc, please ask him to give me one, so that I too may become a true believer like you.

    Waiting, and waiting, a Doubting Thomas.


  • serotonin_wraith
    sorry too long to read

    What's that, the Bible or that first post?

  • AGuest

    and may you have peace! My apologies for just now responding (I was "away" for the weekend) -

    It seems to me that if God has touched the heart of someone and they have come to believe in and follow Jesus Christ the actions of another shouldn't have any bearing on their decision to be named a "Christian".

    Yes, but even dear Peter denied our Lord when his flesh came into conflict, yes? So, while I personally agree with you, I DO understand that this could happen for some, although it should not. It is one of the main reasons why there are so many [christian] “denominations,” however. Because of the acts, conduct, beliefs, etc., of one sect, others will break/branch off and give themselves a sub-identification, even sub-denomination (synod, etc.), to distinguish themselves from other “Christians.” Unfortunately, these are the ones that put themselves in line to be guilty of [spiritual] "adutery," because in doing so they very often (more often than not) thereafter follow "hired men"... instead of the Fine Shepherd.

    TRUE Christians, however, understand that the Christ is NOT to be “divided” (which doesn't mean that we absolutely agree on absolutely everything), but that we have NO other leader except Christ. So that to call themselves anything other than a “christian” (by means of an anointing with holy spirit), to associate themselves formally with anything other than the Congregation of the Firstborn, and to be "members" of… or called "members" of… anything other than the Body of Christ… is false. They know that to have any other "mediator," to follow any other "leader," to BE a "leader," to claim the sheep as their own, to call anyone on earth "Father," is false.

    As an example, look at those who have come out of the WBTS and have found themselves in a personal relationship with Jesus.

    If they have TRULY found themselves in such a relationship, then it is only by means of an anointing and choosing by holy spirit, right? For truly, there is no other way (true, many are CALLED… but few… are chosen). And IF such ones are TRULY chosen… then they should follow the leading of that Spirit which says, “Do NOT hide your lamp under a basket.” As a member of the Body of Christ… and, therefore, existing in UNION with Christ… He being the [true] Light that came into the world… for any one of us to “hide” that light… or worse, to deny it… is probably the worse thing WE can do... because it denies others access to that Light. And so, here I am… as are you and others… “shining.” I know, I know… there are some who wish I’d turn it off… or at least tone it down. Unfortunately, I can’t as, for some reason, the light given me is a very bright one, so, really, it’s actually kinda out of my hands.

    I'm sorry, but I think that it is a cop-out to blame another’s actions for our own inaction in responding to the saving gospel of Jesus Christ. Bottom would be un-just

    I absolutely, totally, and vehemently agree. We were told that we received free… and, therefore, we are to GIVE free. What we “receive” is the gifts of God’s holy spirit, through Christ, and such “gifts” are NOT ours to hold to ourselves selfishly, but to SHARE. To send out into the world. We were also warned that not everyone would “receive” us… but, hey, we were also told that that would not be our problem, for it would not be us that was being rejected.

    Where would we be if we chose to decline the invitation based on what Christians did in the middle-ages?

    Indeed! I am SO glad to hear these words, for my spirit bears full witness to the TRUTH of them. BUT… it is one of the reasons that some run from the designation “Christian.” And this is exactly what our Adversary designed them (religion) FOR! "Religion" is nothing more than false lights... used to lure and mislead the "children of light," us. Our Adversary uses them all... and particularly "christianity" and "christendom" to commit some of the most heinous acts in the history of mankind. Why? "To mislead, if possible, even the chosen ones!" These were and are "false prophets" and "false christs" and as a result of their leadings, conduct, etc., the designation "christian" is no longer clean and without blemish! As a result of that, many, MANY... run from it. And I can hardly blame them, given "christianity's" track record!

    I would hope, however, that one day all who profess to be joined to the Christ… LIVE that profession… in spirit and in truth… and in the manner that our Lord taught us to: “All things you want men to do to you, you must likewise do to them,” “You MUST love one another, just as I have loved you,” “LOVE your enemy and PRAY for him… for you must PROVE yourselves sons of your Heavenly Father”… and more!

    But the TRUTH is that many who profess to be "christian,"... and therefore, "chosen"... and so "have a FORM of Godly devotion," actually prove FALSE to the power of that devotion. Why? Because these prefer following the plethora of "blind guides" who also make such profession but prove false to it, rather than follow the Fine Shepherd and him alone. Both groups THINK they "see"... but truly, they are naked, and miserable, and pitiable, and... blind. Revelation 3:17

    Bottom line: one does not "choose" to be a [true] christian. One is chosen. If and when one IS chosen, one has to make a choice: to PROFESS that choosing, openly, and before ALL creation... or to HIDE it, due to fear, shame, or whatever. Unfortunately, the latter may result in such one being hid FROM... on the day of our full revealing.

    I am glad to have made your acquaintance, Michelle. May the undeserved kindness and mercy of our God and Father, the Most Holy One of Israel, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, whose name is JAH… of Armies… and the love and peace of His Son and Christ, the Holy One of Israel, my Lord and yours, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH… be upon you and your entire household… to time indefinite.

    Your servant and fellow slave of Christ,


  • BurnTheShips

    Truth be told, the greatest idolatry being perpetrated today is by those who have substituted finite religious text for an infinite God. The extreme elements within Christianity (and some other zealots) are currently unable to distinguish between God and God’s written word.....

    God’s fixed word has in some sense taken the place of God’s infinite being. Idolatry is when one confuses a partial truth for a whole truth, or when one makes a relative into an absolute. As the 18th-century thinker Moses Mendelssohn argued in his book, "Jerusalem," God gave Judaism an oral law in order to act as bulwark against the idolatry of text. What these groups fail to realize is the ultimate infinity of God’s being. The struggle each of us engages in every day is keeping that infinity present.

    The Bible is a book about the Revelation, it is not the Revelation itself.



    (((Shelby)))..How are you girl?..I always enjoy your threads..It`s like Shakespeare crossed with Star Trek..LOL!!..I understand you believe Christians should follow Christ and not the old rules of the Bible..Not everyone has a one on one with Jesus,like you do.Frankly I don`t think most could handle it!..LOL!!.....So..The bible is out the door with the exception of the words of Jesus..Where would Christians get the rest of the info from Jesus?..Remember,most people are`nt actually going to get to talk to him.....My best to you Shelby!...OUTLAW

  • AGuest

    May you have peace!

    I have done what you have requested (I will send proof via IM). Before I could finish, however, the word of my Lord came to me and so, now, I share it with you just as I heard and received it:

    "Faith does not follow the thing seen... but the thing heard. Because that one has the faith of Thomas, he will receive the same words as Thomas: Will you believe if you see? Happy are those who do NOT see... and yet, believe. Therefore, exercise faith... FIRST."

    What I am to explain to you is that it is no longer as in the days of my Lord's flesh on earth. Today, you don't begin to believe because you have had a "personal experience." To the contrary, the experience comes as a result of your faith. Back then, because people lacked faith, my Lord, the Prophets, and his disciples, were ablet do many things to manifest the presence of God's holy spirit. As a result of witnessing such manifestations, some people became believers. That was when my Lord existed as flesh with its blood. Today, my Lord is a spirit, and so things are done the opposite: you must believe first, and then the experience occurs.

    So, I am to tell you to review what I have sent you... for its substance... and then tell you to exercise faith, first, in what you HEAR from the Spirit (and you will hear, for the Spirit will speak to you - I do not know when, and to think it will occur immediately is an error - it did not occur from me until some 3 weeks or so after my request; however, I do know how, and point you to Matthew 11:27) I am to tell you that once you hear, you must then do... according to all that that Spirit tells you. Only then you will thereafter see the Spirit... and perhaps, into the kingdom, as well.

    I am to tell you that if you lack faith to hear... ask for such faith (you only need enough "the size of a mustard seed"), and that when you receive that faith (for the Most Holy One of Israel does withhold His spirit from those asking, and faith is a fruit of His spirit), use it to hear... and do not proceed according to your own understanding. Leave off from that entirely. Instead, let HIM... the Most Holy One of Israel, lead you... to the One you are seeking.

    I, myself, SA, have spoken it to you just as I have heard and received it from my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, Son and Christ of the Most Holy One of Israel, whose name is JAH... of Armies.

    May the undeserved kindness and mercy of my God and Father, and the peace and love of His Son and Christ, be upon you... if you truly wish it.

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • AGuest

    and peace to you!

    Where would Christians get the rest of the info from Jesus?

    From where God said they would get it: either directly from our Lord himself...

    Deuteronomy 18:15; Matthew 17:5; Acts 3:22; Hebrews 1:2; Hebrews 12:25

    or from his [new] Law Covenant, which they were given.

    Remember,most people are`nt actually going to get to talk to him -

    Perhaps that is true with regard to most people; it is NOT true with regard to christians. For the very spirit that MAKES them "christians" is the means BY which they hear Christ speak. Such ones do not need a Bible... or any other tangible book... to tell them either about Christ... or about the Law of the Christ. Why? Because BOTH... Christ... and his [new] Law covenant... are INSIDE them.

    John 14:23; Romans 8:9; Jeremiah 31:33

    I hope this clarifies, m'dear, and, again, peace to you and your entire household!

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • justhuman

    1.Who said that the Bible itself only is the foundation of the Christian faith?

    2. Were in the Bible it says that the Bible does not countain mistakes?

    3.Is there any Bible verse to prove us that the Bible is the only source of the Christian faith?

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