I'm a useless Apostate :(

by NewbieGirl 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kent

    Hi NewbieGirl
    Useless? Gimme a break, you'r not useless! This is a quite normal reaction - and I can tell you about every person on this board have experienced more or less the same thing!

    It's one thing planning what to do - feeling safe and confident. Something quite different when you are facing your fears - facing the challenge!

    You just need some time, and everything will be just fine. Just don't give up! Naturally there will be someone that feels one should have done this or that - but facts are - we are all human. And as humans we have our strong and weak sides.

    Don't be disappointed in yourself - you've got no reason for that. To be a real ass I can tell you it will probably happen again! Just as it happened again for most people on this board!

    You're human, my friend. Stay that way!

    Yakki Da


    I need more BOE letters, KMs and other material. Those who can send it to me - please do! The new section will be interesting!!

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Hi NewbieGirl,

    Welcome to the free world!

    You already know this, but let me remind you - you are under NO obligation to preach! That's their gig.

    You have committed no "sin," so no absolution is neccessary.

    Go therefore and have fun! Live your life, not the life some lawyer in Brooklyn has planned for you!

  • Rex B13
    Rex B13



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