Good, Dave.
We disagree on much, but you know I care about you, right?
by Junction-Guy 47 Replies latest jw friends
Good, Dave.
We disagree on much, but you know I care about you, right?
We all care about you, Dave...
Thanks Brinjin, if you can find it then please bring it up, I would like to be involved with it, if possible.
Quit worrying about me guys, The Watchtower damaged me in ways uncomprehendible, I doubt one poster could do that.
Found the thread, took about 5 seconds with the search function, here it is;
Thanks Brinjin, Now I remember that post. The thing is Im not disfellowshipped, nor do I fit into any of those categories. I dont know how I could be any help, with the exception of relaying my moms experience of being shunned.
I was never baptized, and my Dad is only partly shunning me, he would really shun me if he only knew what I think about his cult.
The request for personal information struck me as particularly weird. And then the IP sharing between BlakeSeeley and CarlHernz (whose posts I've rather liked). And then CarlHernz saying he knows Blake personally, but insisting that he is not posting as Blake (despite the IP sharing). And now I see that the two share similar quirks of writing style, such as:
Also there is considerable overlap in content and knowledge (such as views on the Jawhist source of the Pentateuch, views on myth and allegory, consternation over the behavior of atheists in this forum, and what the board is supposed to be for, etc.). To be fair to CarlHernz, I have seen one instance in the past of two unrelated people sharing an IP. That was Ianone (frequent troll here) and about four other people who were clearly not Ianone. But all lived in Canada and seem to have shared the same ISP (with dynamic IP, I guess). So it is technically possible for two unrelated people to have the same IP. But in this case, it doesn't look as likely. Be careful about giving out personal information.
Edit: I should also add that the commonalities in style are suggestive but not conclusive. It's hard to tell because BlakeSeeley has only posted for a brief period.
JWO how does that place keep going. I bet I draw fire for this over there.
Something similar happened on here a couple of years ago, a poster was needing some help, and many people mocked him and called him a troll. I willingly called him up, and we had a couple of phone conversations and I believe I might have helped him in one way or another. I havent spoken with him in ages, but I hope he was able to resolve his situation.
He posted a second thread after he began filming;
My point is, there is a right and wrong way to present yourself here. BlakeSeeley came on far too strongly for my liking. He was quite agressive with his thread and the demanding of personal details?
I would contact RubyParker anyway, you never know, you may have something to contribute after all or he may know of a source looking for the info you have to offer. At least this poster looks to be genuine.
I noticed those too Leolaia, and the specific dates...