Indeed, and all this soldiers are dying to expand the Profit of Bush and Cheany's Oil Companies...shame...
This is absurd!!!!!!!!!!!
by oldflame 23 Replies latest social current
What's with all the indignant surprise? Who has ever said that vets get fairly rewarded? What's so different about this war that ensures that the returned get treated better than those returned from any other war? I guess what I want to know is; why, in every generation, is there a segment of the population so easily deluded into putting their lives and future on the line? This has happened to every man who has ever seen action, in the history of time. Why would it be any different now? Why would the recruitment officers suddenly start telling the truth about military service?
I guess what I want to know is; why, in every generation, is there a segment of the population so easily deluded into putting their lives and future on the line? This has happened to every man who has ever seen action, in the history of time. Why would it be any different now? Why would the recruitment officers suddenly start telling the truth about military service?
Yes and like all the times before people were sick of it, I don't think there ever was a friendly war ! Government is government and I don't think will change for better but gets worse. Remember this country had a revolutionary war already, who is to say it will not or cannot happen again. Heaven forbid if it were to happen but it very well could.
People are tired of the deception from government, America is loosing it's freedoms everyday !
wha happened?
My Father is a Korean war Vet. He served on the front lines. Growing up I never realized he suffered from PTS. He was a raging alcoholic but not violent. Just trying to kill the pain. He eventually became sober. I knew his war stories were true as they were never more than a few sentences and then he shut off. In those 30 second conversations I learned the horror of war. I still recall one story told over several weeks. Fighting for weeks without relief. Finally subduing the enemy. Tired, cold, weak, injured, and hungry. Food rashons arrived and they sat on anything while eating. Mostly North Korean soldiers as they rotted in the sun. Everyone was totally desensitized. Thats the sort trauma emotional amputees tell.