The Bible - God's Word or Man's? - What Convinces You?

by sweet pea 64 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Pubsinger

    Classic "answer a different question" coming up LOL

    I believe God speaks in different ways at different times.

    I believe that there can be some benefit in a "word for a different time"

    I believe that when Jesus instigated the "New Covenant" lots of things changed - including God's principle means of communication.

    I believe that it is possible to "connect" with God

    I don't rule out God "connecting" with/through other faiths.

    I believe that it would be possible to connect with God and never come across a Bible.

    Therefore I don't base my faith on scripture alone/totally.

    My experience of connection definitely weights my views.

    My relationships are no longer dependant on shared belief.

  • avidbiblereader

    God's Word, I for one believe or have faith, everyone has faith, maybe not God but each and everyone of us has faith. Mine is in God, I do believe it is inspired and there are things that we cannot possible understand "right now". We are given what we need from God and His Holy Spirit as we needed and can understand it, the Bible is very simple in some respects, tells us what we need to gain God's approval and what is needed for salvation, a lot of history as object lessson but to me undeniable

    Look at this world, it IS falling apart at every seam, we are living at a time, whether people want to mock, hide their heads or not, we are living at the time PROPHECIED in God's Word, take a look around and be honest with yourself?

  • ush419

    Once upon a time in a far off land, there was a mass, water, and darkness and then there was light and the light was apart from the night the night was darkeness the difference between the two became a day. Of course it wasn't until the 4th day I believe that the sun moon etc were created (dreamed up) and then they shed light on the subject so to speak.

    and so the story goessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!

  • Liberty

    The evidence is overwhelmingly clear that the Bible is a human made book right along with its close relatives the Qur'an and the Book of Mormon. All of these books are just bad copies of each other and ultimately from earlier works of so called "pagan" cultures. Ancient Sumerian texts of the Epic of Gilgamesh predate the Bible by more than 1000 years and hold the same familiar stories of the Creation and the Flood.

    The Watch Tower Society's unoriginal (copied from Christidom's appologetics) excuse is that these earlier pagan writings are just corruptions of the more "accurate" Bible histories. Such excuses are unlikely since the general rules of literature (and common sense) tend to favor older copies as more accurate and original.

    Even if there were an "accurate" Bible account the stories are patently ridiculous when read straight without complex appologetics to explain away all the contradictions and logic holes. The Creation sequence is scientifically impossible since light, the Earth, and the plants were created BEFORE the Sun and stars. For some strange reason all birds are created from the waters along with the fishes while other land animals are created from the earth. The birds are also created earlier than other land animals which makes no sense because the fossil evidence is clear that birds are a relatively late arrivals among the land animals.

    I will just mention that the creation story looks like it is told twice as if it was a fusion of two different stories. In any case, the creation of man as the first human makes no sense either since all humans begin as females and not males. Male nipples are the most easily seen proof of this fact even if you could not see the direct fetal development of female into male form. If God intended males to be the first why the opposite switch in fetal development?

    The Bible also claims that it does not rain in these days and that a mist comes up from the earth to water the plants yet the fossil evidence is clear that rain drops existed even before land plants had evolved.

    The Fall of man story is interesting as well when we realize that there is no Devil mentioned anywhere in the story. The talking serpent is actually telling the truth as well and it is God who is proven a liar since the touching or eating of the fruit does not cause death and infact does provide new found knowledge. Strangely the serpent is punished for telling the truth by being told it would crawl on its belly (which is the only way snakes can move anyway since they have no legs) and eat dust, which no snake to this day much for God Almighty's prophecy skills and ability to enforce punishments.

    God's strange logic allows for a tree who's fruit can grant immortality if eaten and so He bans man from the Garden of Eden and posts angelic guards at the gates to keep humans out so they cannot become as gods. Wouldn't it just be easier to make the magic tree disaappear along with the whole Garden? Apparently this obvious solution never occured to the all knowing and all powerful God.

    Next comes the very strange Cain and Able story. If Cain and his most intimate family were the only people in the world why did God give him a mark so people would not kill him for his crimes against Able? If Adam, Eve, and Cain's brothers and sisters are the Earth's only human inhabitants, then surely it is easier for God just to tell them not to kill Cain without some mark to interpret and even if there were further removed nieces and nephews how would they know about the crime or be able to interpret what the mark meant anyway? It is clear that such a mark was intended for far-flung strangers since Cain was to be punished by becoming a vagabond, how a stranger would know what the mark meant or how they would hear of Cain's crime we are never told. It seems that the teller of this tall tale had every expectation that there were other people scattered about the world besides Adam, Eve, and their family and hence Cain's fear and why it was so easy for him to find a wive in his vagabond travals and eventually finds enough people to found a city. Founding a city, by the way, is the exact opposite of being a vagabond so God's punishment/prophecy is easily thwarted. Another clue that this story is complete nonsense is the fact that God throughout the rest of the Bible is so forceful in punishing murder (and a whole host of lesser crimes) with death and yet Cain gets away with just a mark???

    This is just in the first few chapters of the Bible and the sillyness does not end.

  • whereami

    As can be seen this is a very touchy subject. I hope this sheds some light on the matter. If anyone can discredit this info we all would be more than welcomed to listen. A bit long (12 parts,10 min. each) but worth it. Please see it with an opened mind.

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