Were You Approachable in the Congregation?

by compound complex 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    I felt I was very approachable . Why are you asking me this ? What are you thinking ? Just joking ! LOL! I have always had an irreverent , off beat sense of humor too. Helps ya live life ! Peace out to you my friend, Mr. Flipper

  • Casper

    Yes, I seemed to be...

    Sisters would seem down and out of sorts and I would give them a hug,

    take them out to lunch and then they seemed to just pour out their hearts...

    I cared, I really did.

    After awhile tho...it got to the point that I was just "Burned Out" on it. I know

    that may sound callous but, Gee...Where were they when I needed to talk..???????????

    It never seemed to work both ways in My congregation. Thankfully after being away for about

    10 years I have regained my compassion for people...hurts deeply sometimes, esp. times when

    all you can do is just be There.


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I'm not sure if this is for the "sisters" but I made sure that I was approachable by approaching people who looked lonely, like the elderly and infirm sitting all alone in the back of the hall. I felt so sorry for them being alone in the crowd. Not many went up to them to see how they were doing. It was kind of sad. No one ever confided in me, though.

  • ninja

    hey big D......."It has been rumoured (in particular, by British troops during world War II, who believed it was regularly added to their tea) that bromide can reduce incidence of erections for males (see anaphrodisiac), and this was actually its initial pharmacological use"...from wikipedia

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Friends,

    Thank you very much for your candid and touching comments. Though I put up the qualifier that you might not have had an official position in the congregation, I realized afterward that the term "approachable," in the unique jargon of the Watch Tower, generally implies elders most specifically: "Brother Goodear is one of those rare, approachable elders."

    Yes, we - males AND females alike - were often told more than we needed to hear but couldn't shut off the torrent of anguish once tapped. And those individuals who were so troubled generally did not have the capacity emotionally or otherwise to reciprocate but with loving appreciation for our concern and assistance. Given the unusually high incidence of mental illness among JWs, it stands to reason that, however much we want to help our troubled brethren, we do best, in some cases, to direct the troubled souls to professional help. I've received such advice and followed through on it; it was neither time nor money wasted.



  • R.F.

    I was always viewed as being very approachable by congregation members, but it seemed to be more apparent when I was appointed an MS.

    I sometimes felt odd that ones twice and three times my age would confide in me with some things they didn't even feel comfortable in approaching the elders with. I'm glad that I was able to help some.


  • tijkmo
    That was one of the few things that made being an elder rewarding, being there for people.

    yeah i'm hearing that.

    unfortunately being approachable led to my downfall - getting emotionally involved with a sis in the hall.

    i was not considered approachable after that...and no-one i helped came to my aid.

  • LoverOfTruth

    Yes....... And the elders considered me a threat.

    One elder in particular approaced my husband and advised him to keep me in line. It seems I was causing disagreements between them and their wives. I think the ladies appreciated my frank and honest opinions.

    By the way, since I've been out, I learned this same elder divorced his wonderful wife and married another sister. What a jerk!

  • changeling

    People have always "cried on my shoulder". I consider it a priviledge.


  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate

    Did you - with or without holding an official position in the congregation - find that those needing to talk gravitated toward you?


    Did those individuals who unburdened themselves feel better after talking with you?

    Some, for sure, did. Others never told me how they felt.

    How did you feel after helping someone who was genuinely grateful to you?

    Like a fellow human brother who gave them a different point of view.

    Are you still sought out for encouragement and sound advice - whether or not a practicing JW?


    BA- That was easy, bro!

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