The beautiful, beautiful 'Theory of Evolution'.

by nicolaou 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • hamsterbait



    Then some cretin starts insisting that the theories of pre scientific neandertals - ie neolithic fairy stories have anything to teach us.

    I believe the truth of Hans Christian Anderson and the Brothers Grimm. Or at least prefer them to tales of a jealous genocidal psychopath.

    As we now know according to quantum theory, particles pop into an out of existence all the time.

    In all eternity, maybe enough of these particles all poped into existence at the same time in the same point of a singularity.

    Who knows?

    Just don't try using probability and statistics to prove I need to believe in the murderous death god of the Babble.


  • B_Deserter

    It's incredibly ignorant to say that life hasn't happened anywhere else. No one can possibly know that it hasn't.

  • B_Deserter

    I wonder what Creationists would think if scientists started attacking their hypothesis with the same tactics they used against science.

  • wherehasmyhairgone
    I wonder what Creationists would think if scientists started attacking their hypothesis with the same tactics they used against science.

    We know what they think, and they feel it their right to do anything from burning the challenger at a stake to calling them infidels, to tools of the devil.

    Christianity has never been very good at taking criticism on anything they wish is true

  • Warlock
    Amongst billions of galaxies each containing billions of stars with their families of planets, it only had to happen once - genesis. Not by the hand of god but through sheer statistical inevitability with, perhaps, some anthropic good luck thrown in.

    Oh..............were you there when it happened?


  • Caedes

    Oh..............were you there when it happened?


    Does that mean that the people should only be prosecuted for crimes if there was a witness to that crime?

    Or does it have to be two witnesses?

    Abiogenesis will no doubt one day have it's own theory, it won't require somebody going back in time to discover what happened, it will be based on the evidence around us.

    Do you ignore the evidence for evolution because no-one has 'was there when it happened'? (of course also ignoring the fact that it is an ongoing process that is going on around us as we speak!)

    It's a good job you aren't this skeptical regarding proof of ghosties and things that go bump in the night eh?

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    Amongst billions of galaxies each containing billions of stars with their families of planets, it only had to happen once - genesis. Not by the hand of god but through sheer statistical inevitability with, perhaps, some anthropic good luck thrown in.

    With this kind of thinking, how could you argue against flying spaghetti monsters evolving somewhere in the universe. Not only would they be possible, but likely, given enough time and space.

  • oompa

    Nico: Natural selection made best use of the variations that mutation threw up......

    Nice choice of words here. If I was forced to believe that mutations are always a good thing, I would throw up too. As a long time Sci-Fi (and nature lover), mutants were always portrayed as really bizarre creatures, and usually wished they had not mutated.....oompa

  • MadTiger

    The entire truth lies within the nature of ether and its quantum implications.

  • Superfine Apostate
    Superfine Apostate

    > If I was forced to believe that mutations are always a good thing, I would throw up too. <

    there are no paradigms of good or bad in nature. things just are. and if a mutation makes you look too ugly to be eaten, it might as well be a good thing - as long as it does not prevent you from reproducing.

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