For now we plan to see what happens at the Elders meeting. My oldest brother and I have already talked about it, before they even married, that if anything ever happened, her four children, two of them in the States, would all be there and raise a ruckuss. We will not be quiet about it. If he thinks that his first stepdaughter was trouble, well here comes trouble #2 stepdaughter. Thankfully she is the only one in the Org.
At first my mother tried to defend him, that apart from that he was a good man. So I asked her if that was the role of woman, to take the abuse, to suck it up, read her bible more. But thankfully she does have some spunk in her and I have to keep reminding her to keep strong because he will try to break her spirit like he did his second wife and she's left a passive, controlled woman afraid to speak up. My stepbrothers wife is very passive and sweet. It reminded me of the Stepford Wives. I'm not condemning her because in all likely hood she sincerely is a good person, but something seems to be missing.
When you hear this about others you feel for them, but when it happens to your own elderly mother it's devasting. I do believe that they will blame her. Her husband blames her. For a "spiritual" man he so unspiritual. My mother knows her faults, I know her faults. We all have them. But this man is mentally ubusive. This didn't start with my mother. He treated his other wives the same. He has major problems.