If all life is created why do you think God created dinosaur's...what purpose do you suppose they served...
Why did God create dinosaur's...
by zeroday 29 Replies latest jw friends
With a perfectly straight face, and total credulity on her part, an older sister informed me that the dinosaurs were created to eat all the excess vegetation on Earth after it was created.
werent they used in construction........I saw it on the flintstones.....and yes schmiddy....I have got a straight face as I type this
White Dove
My mom always said the dinos were to eat the vegitation then they died and humans were created on the newly mowed land. Later I watched cartoons and learned the real reason evolution came up with dinos: to build rock houses for people:)
I asked my mom that question when I was a teenager. She said it was probably to "salt the earth". I wondered why God just didn`t make salt instead, that would have been a lot easier. Another possible jw-response would be that the dinosaurbones are there to test us, test our faith.
BlackSwan of Memphis
The barosaurs and other long necked, veggie eaters were likely slides for the cave children. The T rex and other meat eaters were there probably to eat all the dead things. The triceratops were there to play rings with.....
Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
Good on Hell Rider. Ditto for me on the vegetation thing. For gosh sakes, they just can't pull off a good 'I don't know'.
"With a perfectly straight face, and total credulity on her part, an older sister informed me that the dinosaurs were created to eat all the excess vegetation on Earth after it was created."
CaptainS, We had the same thinking down this part of the world too! But it was further suggested that the decaying bones and vegetation would create pools of oil for the future! How forward thinking of Jehovah!
yabba dabba doo -
"Oh, dear," he said, head cradling forehead.
Why did God (wotan, zeus, stoneagegods) create dinosaur 's what??? dingalings, goolies, toenails, arthritic joints?
Don't you guys know anything? God made them so we could have gasoline.