If all life is created why do you think God created dinosaur's...what purpose do you suppose they served... If there is or was a God, I have run across information that somewhat supports what we were taught as witnesses. I'll try to give it to you quickly. There is a planet on a large eliptical orbit that comes by earth every so many thousounds of years, Maybe 4, to 5 thousand and coincides with mans last advance in mesopotamia which correlates with the beging of modern civilization. When this planet comes around its gravatational pull causes the earth to change its rotational spin and thats where we get the story of the flood from. Before the last pass of this planet the earth was covered with a canopy and had a different atmosperic conditions so men and animals and lizards grew very big. Modern men has found evidence of giant men, animals and reptiles. Not only did they live big they lived long. If this interest you, you can begin your research with this address http://www.beforeus.com/
Why did God create dinosaur's...
by zeroday 29 Replies latest jw friends
Since the bible has all the answers, why not do some research? Maybe because the planet is about 100 million years old, not 6k.
*** g90 2/8 p. 4 Discovering ‘The Great Reptiles’ of the Past *** Dinosaurs played a dominant role in life on earth during their age. But then they came to an end.
Maybe because the planet is about 100 million years old, not 6k.
Alot older than that about 4 billion years old...
White Dove
Wouldn't want Fred Flintstone to be homeless or unemployed, now would you?
Brother Apostate
Pure speculation here (I'm not at all saying this is even remotely to believed), just something I have thought about in the past:
God, as creator, was experimenting with everything, including life forms. What size should they be? What types of food should they consume? How can I (God) create a balance that can continue to perpetuate itself?
BA- Just a thought, no more, no less.
Wait a sec zeroday you might upset a theist. I mean there is no proof dinosaurs existed just some funny shaped rocks that scientist think are dinosaurs fossils.
BA - wouldn't your assumtion throw a monkey wrench into the genesis account's accuracy?
BA...we finally had a similar thought!!! It does make one wonder if it could have been an experiment!
Brother Apostate
BA - wouldn't your assumtion throw a monkey wrench into the genesis account's accuracy?
At the risk of you continuing to follow me around the board, I'll respond to this question you posed as follows:
Answer for 5go: No.
PS- You meant "assumption", right?
BA...we finally had a similiar thought!!! It does make one wonder if it could have an experiment!
Actually, we have had "similar thoughts" previously on JWD. IT does make one wonder.
BA - Supposing.
They make awesome soup.