I dont see it changing for the better, I see more and more cursing, more and more intolerance for God and the Bible and the funny thing is, one day, we were all a lover of God and the Bible, man screwed that up, not God, the beast is here and it is growing, the intolerance and poking fun at those who are here for what we ALL once enjoyed, loved, banked on, bet our lives on, is only going to worsen, as it does, this site will not be known as a haven for witnesses or ex-witnesses, but rather a place to stay away from, it will not surprise me, the organization will name this place by name to find if you want to totally leave God and not just become and apostate (very loosely used) but a complete agnostic or atheist.
Another way of approaching the matter is viewing the Board not as a community but what it really is; just a discussion Board. That way, we do not see the Board as a mini "organization" but a collection of "personalities", at least in the on-line sense. These personalities come from a wide variety of nationalities, social groups and personal histories, and due to the online and anynomous nature of the Board many "personalities" that you see are not neccessarily the reality anyway.
I do not view the Board as a "haven" for anybody, though there is a form of support offered here if you need it. It is not a substitute for therapy, it is not a substitute for real life, it is after all....just a discussion Board. Subsequently one cannot expect anything from a Board but discussion, some supportive, some heated, some downright boring. Perhaps your expectations where XJW's are concerned are set too high. Perhaps you are expecting the same behavior one might find in a Kingdom Hall, but without the cult attachment. I hope that this never happens!
Celebrate the individuality of people here, even those you may not like. We came from a place where individuality was a sin and sometimes the expression of others individuality might not suit us, but how can we call ourselves mature if we are only willing to accept the behavior of those who fit within our own social paradigm?
Why not just accept the Board for what it is and cease to have expectations that are beyond your control. If you do not like the tenor of the Board, log off, if it suits, log on. I am baffled by this constant call to "civilized" behavior and while I accept that some persistent troublemakers need to be kept away because they are so bloody tedious and boring, why not just let people find their own way?
The phrase "herding cats" comes to mind. Imagine this a Board of cats, rather than sheep. It is much more fun that way. ;)