1982 You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth--PDF BM=Bookmarked S=Searchable R=Reduced from 58 MB to 28 MB What does the front cover of these books look like? Click here: http://www.imagger.com/view/396614_scan-10001.jpg.html Click the download link by the (red arrow) at the bottom of the next page. http://www.sendspace.com/file/re6nwe Another download link: Click the (yellow/orange) download button at the bottom left of the next page after the seconds count down to zero. http://www.filesend.net/download.php?f=32c06e8dadfa4e665e859add42a58649 **************************************************************************** 1989 Revised Version of: You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth--PDF! BM=Bookmarked S=Searchable Reduced from 58 MB to 28 MB Click the (yellow/orange) download button at the bottom left of the next page after the seconds count down to zero. http://www.filesend.net/download.php?f=85b46923ca4fbbbb5f25c7fde0b51c64 Another download link: Click the download link by the (red arrow) at the bottom of the next page. http://www.sendspace.com/file/7vzyee Cheers! Atlantis-
1982/1989-You Can Live Forever--PDF--BM-S-R!
by Atlantis 17 Replies latest watchtower bible
Some seven years ago I was asked by two JWs to exchange that book for another new one (that I requested). Didn't knew back then that they changed the '1914 generation thing'
PS. I never was a JW, just read some of their literature
(Just as an added note) http://www.bible.ca/trinity/trinity-jw-deceptions-modalism.htm
You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth
When two JWs knock on someone's door, if given the chance, they will generally offer to lead a "Bible study" in the person's home. If the person agrees, the 255 page book, You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth (LF) will probably be used as the basis of the study.
The study will consist of one person reading a numbered paragraph from the book and the corresponding question at the bottom of the page. Another person is then expected to answer the question by rephrasing what was just read in the paragraph. The study will proceed to the next paragraph and question in the same manner. This pattern will be followed for about an hour or so. The JWs most likely will want to meet with the person for this "Bible study" on a weekly basis.
LF was first published in 1982. A new edition was released in 1989. Since there are no changes in the sections to be studied between editions, the following page and paragraph numbers apply to either edition.
Cheers! Atlantis-
Thank you for your comments!
Cheers! Atlantis-
LF was first published in 1982. A new edition was released in 1989. Since there are no changes in the sections to be studied between editions, the following page and paragraph numbers apply to either edition.
If this is in response for my post regarding the 'another new one' part, then my bad. By 'another new one' I was referring to "Pay Attention To Daniels Prophecy". At that time I also gave them the 'Let Your Kingdom Come' book, in exchange for the 'Reasoning from the Scriptures', I think.
We knew what you meant my friend! Bloody-good-show! We knew you meant an entirely differentbook being traded for this one.
The other information posted in (yellow) highlight was posted (in general), for those who may have wondered if there were any changes from the 1982 edition verses the 1989 version.
Many thanks for your comments!
Back to the scanner!
Cheers! Atlantis-
For a moment there, I thought I was being misunderstood. BTW, thank you very much for the work you put in scanning those books. They may be very helpful for allot of people. Keep up the good work.
You are very welcome my friend! And, WELCOME to the board!
Cheers! Atlantis-
Marvin Shilmer
Hate to share the news, but your pdf is not the original edition of You Can Live Forever in Paradise Earth.
In the original the picture on page 244 was different than the one in your pdf. In the original edition the women whose husband is looking to seek some pleasure was dressed in a suggestive fuzzy brown bed robe. The Watchtower organization changed the woman’s clothes in the first revised edition so that she had on the plaid skirt and white blouse. Your pdf is of the first revised edition.
Marvin Shilmer
Marvin: Thank you for your assistance! What I have is what you see below! This is the copyright date I have for the 1982 edition. http://www.imagger.com/view/52525_scan-10001.jpg.html And here is page 244 from that 1982 edition: http://www.imagger.com/view/496962_scan-20001.jpg.html *************************************************************************** Here is the copyright date I have for the 1989 edition. Please note the reference that appears in the 1989 edition that "does not" appear in the 1982 edition. http://www.imagger.com/view/782011_scan-30001.jpg.html And, here is what I show for page 244 in the 1989 edition. http://www.imagger.com/view/209614_scan-40001.jpg.html Both editions that I have show a woman in a plaid dress. I appreciate your help! Thank you! (I can only provide what I have!) Cheers! Atlantis-