Why God permits wickedness..the argument and counter logic

by wherehasmyhairgone 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I admire the strength I see in one post, but I'm no martyr. I too am a survivor but also extremely resentful for what I went through. There is a place for righteous indignance. I don't let it run my life, however. I do allow myself a well deserved pity party then I move on.

  • Terry

    Those of us who have the strength to make the world a better place, but, who are convinced it is fruitless create a wickedness inexplicable otherwise. It is the evil of permission by good people who do nothing.

    That is the ministry of Jehovah's Witnesses. Don't do anything that will repair this world! Let it rot; let it end. We who buy in to that belief are the evil that rots the world one and all.

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Oh yeah, one more thing....

    If our view of you, which is a result of the way the governing body of the WT has presented you to us, is incorrect, then you know what you need to do.

    Can you say look out Brooklyn?

    If you're not real, then this whole dramatic conversation is rather silly, isn't it?

    PS to all: I just read my last post, and it sounded a bit harsh. For those who still have a faith in God, I hope you did not find it offensive. It was only meant to help wake up those persons up who may still have faith in the Jehovah of the WT.


    The Oracle

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    I agree, Terry.

  • truthsetsonefree

    Amazing the b*******t we used to believe and teach. Isaac

  • wherehasmyhairgone

    That is the ministry of Jehovah's Witnesses. Don't do anything that will repair this world! Let it rot; let it end. We who buy in to that belief are the evil that rots the world one and all.

    It funny you mentioned this, I recently came out to my family of being an Atheist now, and one family member ask about the state of the world, and i explained that now i try to do my part in making it a better place, and how i teach my kids to take care of our planet etc etc....His reply...

    Do you really think one person will do any good?, that one person can make a difference.

    I was so taken aback by this mind set of,,,,let the world rot, as terry so eloquently put their frame of mind. I fell ashamed that I too used to have this mindset, although i guess my defence was i was brought up in the JW, and once i developed my own critical thinking, got my head straight again.

  • BurnTheShips

    There are many explanations and no one knows for sure the answer to your question (it may be unknowable) but personally I think that God permits wickedness because He allows us free will. In other words, if he did not allow evil, he would be violating our right to choose it.

    * Free will requires the potential to do anything one chooses.

    * Thus, free will requires the potential to do evil.

    * Thus, removing the potential to do evil would remove free will.

    In other words,free will is a good in itself, greater than the evil it costs to allow such freedom. Why should it be better for God to respect human freedom? What's so great about free will? The response is that free will is what makes us valuable moral agents, and that, if God were to deny us our freedom, human society would be in a deep sense like an assemblage of robots: not only incapable of evil, but incapable of moral choice in general. Though value would exist in such a world, the free moral agency possessed by God and actual humans is far greater. All the cruelty that we humans freely perform is indeed regrettable, but it is the price of freedom.

    There is also the "free process" view. this view is that God has created the universe in such a way that it was, to a significant extent, allowed to make itself and that a world allowed to make itself is better than a puppet theater with a "Cosmic Tyrant".

    There is also the point of view that God is so far superior to man, that he cannot be judged by man no more so than an ant can judge a human (actually far more so). Man's assumption that he can tell God what a benevolent and all-powerful god can or cannot do, is mere arrogance.


  • monophonic

    great rant and thanks for posting yet another idiotic illustration by the wtbts writers.

    better illustration, 'we're being sodomized down here and God looks on, hoping we learn our lesson, as any loving, abusive, drunk father would'.

    a friend commited suicide on thursday, her body was found monday, just reinforcing in my mind of how far i need to stay away from the wtbts and their pathetic excuses for this being "allowed" to happen.

  • Awakened07

    -If suffering is allowed because of the importance of humans having free will, does that mean God will take away people's free will when they reach that promised place (whatever one's religion say that is) in order to prevent further suffering and evil?

    And taking the biblical approach, does it mean Adam and Eve were not created with a free will (no suffering from the outset), but gained a free will when they willingly and freely chose(!) to eat of the forbidden fruit?

  • Cold Creek Swimmer
    Cold Creek Swimmer

    Great topic! Why does God permit Wikedness? My favorite answer of all time was briefly touched on earlier: So that the angels will have proof beyond a shadow of a doubt that man is incapable of ruling himself in a way that results in peace and security.

    Are you kidding me? I've known from a very young age that man will always have wars and violence and all these horrible things that go on in this world. Man is by nature violent. This argument has no other result than to make the angels dumb as a box of rocks. If they haven't figured it out yet, then they never will. This is just one more reason that proves to me that belief in a spirit being to save this earth is an excercise in futility.


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