Tecumseh's Every "20 Year Death Curse " on American Presidents

by flipper 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    This is probably a bit of history some of you know, maybe some of you don't. But , here goes. In the early 1800's there was a Shawnee native american chief named Tecumseh who was trying to make an effort to unify all the other native american tribes together against the invasion of the newly formed american government. Tecumseh was known as a brave, highly skilled communicator, and a good man wanting to share the land in peace with the new american government, but finding he wasn't getting much cooperation from them . In 1811 when Tecumseh was away on a recruiting mission to other tribes , his people were paid a visit by the then General William Henry Harrison of the United States army and a battle ensued which became known as ," The Battle of Tippacanoe ". Death on both sides occurred , it was considered a draw between the Shawnees and the united States, but Harrison had drawn the battle line in the dirt for future battles to take away the Shawnees land.

    Tecumseh released the United States military prisoners the Shawnees had taken back to Harrison and his government , but with a message of warning, he said for them to tell Harrison, " Harrison will not win this year to be Great Chief. But he may win next year. If he does he will not finish his term in office . " A visitor told Tecumseh , " No president has ever died in office. " Tecumseh continued, " But Harrison will die I tell you. And when he dies you will remember our people's death. You think I have lost my powers. I who caused the sun to darken ( there was an eclipse in 1806 in which his brother The Prophet accurately foretold ), and caused red men to give up firewater. But I tell you Harrison will die. And after him every Great Chief chosen every 20 years thereafter will die. And when each one dies , let everyone remember the death of our people. "

    Interestingly enough, this is exactly what started happening 29 years later in 1840 when William Henry Harrison was elected president , he died of pneumonia 1 month after getting elected . Then what happened every 20 years thereafter spookily defied what you would think would be chance.

    1860- Abraham Lincoln elected- assassinated in 1865

    1880- James Garfield elected- assassinated in 1881

    1900- James McKinley elected- assassinated in 1901

    1920- Warren G. Harding elected- dies of natural causes in 1923

    1940- Franklin D. Roosevelt elected- dies of cerebral hemorrage in 1945

    1960- John. F. Kennedy elected- assassinated in 1963

    1980- Ronald Reagan elected- assassination attempt in 1981 but survives

    2000- George Bush elected- ???????????????

    Now I know you are going to say that Reagan survived . I get that. However in researching this it was found that in all the other deaths and assassinations Jupiter and Saturn were crossing astrologically in a earth sign which resulted in the fatalities. Every 20 years or 19.8 years they cross somehow in earths orbit, but in the year Reagan survived it was the only time these planets crossed in an air sign resulting in a reprieve for Reagan's life. In the year Bush was elected in 2000 it was once again an earth sign ! So, what does this portend for George Bush until a new president is officially sworn in office Janruary 21st, 2009 ? Time will tell, but there are a lot of people who do not like the man, so if I were him, I'd watch my backside. He still has a year and two months to safely make it out of office alive in one piece. But don't bet your stars on it. According to information I read on the website where I got this info, there is an 87% chance this phenomena might happen again. So put on your helmets citizens of America , I think this next year or so might be interesting in the world scene. If you want to check where I attained this information, please google " Tecumseh's Curse" and you'll find lots written about it. So what do you folks think? Do you think Bush has a snowballs chance of making it ? I welcome your comments please. Hope you all are well

  • BFD

    Mr.Flipper this subject always facsinated me. I remember when Reagan got shot I thought he'd be a goner. I am glad he did recover. Interesting about earth and air signs. I never knew that.

    As for GWB, I am amazed he has made it this far as there are so many people who truly hate him. Only time will tell.


  • VoidEater

    As for "W" - would what many might call "brain death" count?

  • darkuncle29

    Way to go, now you're just getting our hopes up.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Men die, so predicting that they will is not extraordinary. Coincidence does not constitute causality.

    There is no spirit realm and the positions of the planets form patterns only in our imagination.

  • jaguarbass

    You can be sure Bush doesnt know about the curse. He doesnt read.

  • JeffT

    And once again superstition triumphs over logic and common sense.


    We're not even sure which native American (if any) prononuced the curse.

  • flipper

    Thanks for you replies ! Interesting subject.

    BFD- Yes, I agree it is a subject that has always fascinated me from when I was young too. Yeah, I'm interested in astrology to a degree but I'm no professional in understanding everything about it. But it was interesting what they said about the air sign saving Reagan's life, and all the other ones died under the earth sign. But, you are right, time will tell if old W. will make it or not ! Peace, hope you are doin' good buddy!

    VOIDEATER- LOL! Yes, you are right, I think W.s brain cells died years ago , especially before the Iraq invasion !

    DARK UNCLE- I do what I can my friend. I feel the native americans got a really bad shake and deal from this government . Hey, somebody has to pay for it, eh?

    NATHAN NATAS- You may be right. But it is strange that these presidents died like predicted, except Reagan of course.

    JAGUAR BASS- I'm sure Bush doesn't know about the curse either Jags ! LOL! But there are lots of naysayers and others out there who have it out for him who would only be glad to help fulfill a historical prophecy

  • B_Deserter

    I seem to remember Nancy Reagon consulting a psychic and actually getting the curse lifted. Looks like George W. is in the clear.

  • flipper

    JEFFT- According to history it was Tecumseh , the Shawnee chief who is generally thought to have proclaimed this curse on the american presidents. It truly is a travesty of justice how the native americans in general were dealt with

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