Tecumseh's Every "20 Year Death Curse " on American Presidents

by flipper 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    B.Deserter- Nancy got the curse lifted ? Interesting. Bush is still not out of the woods, he has a year and 2 months left

  • JeffT

    You know, I was looking for a printable version of what snopes has (that is there is no verifiable record that anybody, much less Tecumseh ever said this) and I ran into this gem:


    Well, I guess that settles it, God spoke to her, so it must all be true.

  • flipper

    Wow! JEFF T- Thanks for that website checking that woman's story out on the history of Tecumseh and his brother, The Prophet. Sounds interesting. Now whether this lady can affect any outcome of joining the whites with indians, remains to be seen. Interesting reading though, thanks. Peace out. Mr. Flipper

  • Mulan

    Georgie will die, ..................eventually.

  • flipper

    MULAN- Yeah, I agree he will die, eventually. The million dollar question is when, and how , and by what means ? Native American curses perhaps ? We all will have to wait and find out ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • SirNose586

    Isn't it amazing how we can find patterns in just about everything?

    It's a great story to tell, but just that--a story.

    Besides, with those reservation casinos, they're getting even, one nickel at a time...and another...and another....yesssss! I hit the jackpot! cling-cling-cling-cling-cling-cling-cling-cling-cling-cling!

  • yknot

    On this subject a "new-agy" acquaintance told me that if the curse is broken it means the death of liberty.


  • flipper

    SIR NOSE - Well, as you say some native americans may be getting back some money from indian gaming casinos , however the real pain and suffering they went through had a lot more to do with loss of freedoms than money. They were ousted off their lands, their ways of life taken from them, they were killed, women raped, children stolen from them, forced to go to Catholic schools and lose their native tongue and learn English by the americans. Well, all I can say is read your history . life is more involved than just monetary value. Peace out.

    YKNOT- that's interesting that the curse being broken would be the death of liberty. I feel George Bush has taken enough of our freedoms and liberties already ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • flipper

    If Mr. Bush continues his arrogant nature towards the freedoms of America , then this curse could very well happen before Jan. 21st, 2009. He definitely needs to listen to the real voice of America and pull out of Iraq. Start bringing home young men and women alive, not in body bags and caskets

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Mr. Flipper,

    How interesting!! I had never heard of this curse before. Certainly is bizarre how events played out every 20 years. I agree..there are alot of people that want those boys home! Who knows what could happen to him if he doesn't listen to the people!!


    Lady Liberty

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