In seeing the " debates " the last couple days of religionists debating with atheists I couldn't help but start a thread on what I have noticed since leaving the Jehovah's Witnesses religion. Personally just to set the record straight on my views personally I consider myself a strong agnostic, perhaps a weak and learning atheist, if that makes any sense . Oh well. Anyway here are my points of concern.
While in the witnesses, I was always annoyed ( for 44 years I might add) by some who considered themselves very " spiritual " being kind to others in a facade kind of manner. It's like they were nice at the kingdom hall , would give you the time of day when they knew " Jehovah" was looking and had to be kind to impress Him and others , but if I saw the same person somewhere else as at a store or movie theatre or just bumping around outside of spritual activities, ie, meetings, service, etc. it would be like I was talking with a different human being. They would be cold, condescending, or totally avoid saying Hi! in other words fake. It is like some of them knew they had to put that kind personality "ON " at the meetings but let their guard down away from meetings. I was married 19 years to a witness wife like that. Same principle applied, nice at kingdom hall , mean at home and away from the " spiritual cameras rolling " ! LOL!
So, it seemed to me that some who claimed to be "christian " in the witnesses were kind because they had to, or in hope of getting approved by God, the elders, getting more privileges in the congregation, but always with the hope of a reward from God to do what? Just be nice to others? Even after not being religious myself for 4 years now, when I meet somebody who is going to church or considers themselves a "christian " they will always make a point of telling you that ! Example of a typical introduction : " Oh Hello my name is Mr. Flipper nice to meet you ! " They say, " Oh! Hello my name is so and so, We're Christians. " Or they say, " Our name is so and so, we go to the such and such church. " So, to me it immediately tells me they equate getting to know me based on my reaction to their statement , We go to church"!
That's all well and good, however when I meet someone the first thing out of my mouth is not, " I'm an agnostic. Don't know if I believe in God or not , but hello ! " You see my point ? It's just frigging weird ! Listen I'm the first to say here that each person here has the right to worship or not worship as they want , however I get more joy personally from doing things for people because it's the right thing to do and makes me happy. I don't need a " God " or Bible telling me to be a decent person so I can reap an "imagined " reward for it. To me it taints the joy I get from doing kindnesses for people if I'm just doing it to be approved by God. So there ya have it, Mr. Flippers take. Does anybody else out there feel as I do ? I am happy in life, and hope all you church loving, christians are too ! And I hope all my atheist friends are too ! I respect ya all and I think everybody definitely brings a variety to the board. So, with respect for everybody, I look forward to your respectful replies as well ! Peace out to all of you, Mr. Flipper