Christians (and Jews to a lesser extent) can point to the Bible for standards of kindness, goodness, etc If a person doesn't claim to be Christian, what are they going to use as a standard or how would they define kindness?
I know people who think they are nice, but don't bother to return phone calls, answer emails, etc. Polite is not equal to kind in their book. My aunt thinks she's kind, but won't hesitate to point out a weight gain in front of a crowd (and she's not thin herself). Discretion and empathy are not the same as kindness in her book.
Are We Kind Because It's the Right thing to Do/Or Because "God"Tells Us To?
by flipper 29 Replies latest jw friends
If a person doesn't claim to be Christian, what are they going to use as a standard or how would they define kindness?
How I'd like to be treated. How I'd like you to treat my mother, father, brother, sister, nephew, niece.
Phone calls not returend? I'm human and forgetfull, I'm sorry, I'll probably call in a day or two, what with the holidays apoaching and me being sick...
...not everything that happens or doesn't is about us.
Making comments about others' weight...infront of a group...well that's just wrong. I'd say THAT person has issues, and being "nice" to them, well that's if you're a saint or just a human, you could gracefully ignore her ignorant comment or call her on it, or respond in kind, "Well that's the pot calling the kettle skinny". I guess it comes down to wheather or not you want to play these people's games with them or not. I usually choose not.
If a person doesn't claim to be Christian, what are they going to use as a standard or how would they define kindness?
Seren, are you saying that people need a book to really know what love and kindness is? I don't claim to be Christian, and yet I go by ethics or "The Golden Rule" as it is sometimes called. This principle existed before Jesus was quoted as saying it.
I know people who think they are nice, but don't bother to return phone calls, answer emails, etc. Polite is not equal to kind in their book. My aunt thinks she's kind, but won't hesitate to point out a weight gain in front of a crowd (and she's not thin herself).
Do you know if these examples you cite follow a book or a religion?
People can be polite, loving and kind even without a guidebook.
I believe people are kind just because...they have a good heart.
It is not a matter of race, sexual orientation, religion, or what-not.
God does not tell me what to do. But I don't have to be a rocket scientist to realise that kindness goes a longer way.
And I happen to believe in karma. So, I better be good...because payback is a bitch (pardon my french:-)
prophecor a believer, said we're born twisted (not good), and we need to copy a good God in order to do "better than normal". So the believer thinks he is inadequate somehow.
Hi Gopher, and I take none of your ideas with any dis-respect, however I refer to my need to be better than normal, usual or average because left to my own desires and devices, I wouldn't even try to be as good as I can. Being human in this skin is a laborious task trying to do what is right of oneself, alone. Without the leaning towards a Higher Power of some sort, without a conscientious understanding that we are spiritual beings in a material world gone awry, being and or doing good is often the last things on one's heart and mind.
It takes work to do good because we are pre-conditioned to do, not what's best for ourselves or for others. Being human, on this side of Heaven is a work that demands we be better about our life choices and the decisions we make. Man, without godly direction, is a dangerous creature existing upon the planet. If given the opportunity, he will search out his own selfish longing and leave a wake of destruction behind him to carry over into generations, even to time indefinite, if allowed.
I've never needed any Religion to tell me how to treat others. The reminders are ok I suppose.
I am not bound by Humanism, but I like the way it is described...
'Humanism is a democratic and ethical life stance that affirms that human beings have the right and responsibility to give meaning and shape to their own lives. It stands for the building of a more humane society through an ethics based on human and other natural values in a spirit of reason and free inquiry through human capabilities. It is not theistic, and it does not accept supernatural views of reality.'
The (7) fundamentals of modern Humanism are as follows:
Humanism is ethical.
Humanism is rational.
Humanism supports democracy and human rights.
Humanism insists that personal liberty must be combined with social responsibility.
Humanism is a response to the widespread demand for an alternative to dogmatic religion.
Humanism values artistic creativity and imagination.
Humanism is a lifestance aiming at the maximum possible fulfilment through the cultivation of ethical and creative living. -
"If a person doesn't claim to be Christian, what are they going to use as a standard or how would they define kindness? "
By the expression on others' faces.
As Gopher knows, my own inquiry into the subject is, "Why do I feel I need God as an excuse to be kind?"
Perhaps the answer is just my personal history, where many with the same history turn into cruel people. Somehow I've needed an excuse to let my "higher self" manifest.
But I haven't used God as a stick to make me do well - tho' I have used my internal view of God as a model to follow.
So you need to look up scripture to figure out good from evil? And if you become a JW, you automatically want all non witnesses to be destroyed. I defy anyone anywhere to tell me just what is good about that?
I defy anyone anywhere to tell me just what is good about that?
Because we must hate what is bad.