I don't know why BA, but 5go seems sort of harmless. Annoying sometimes but I think he's just having fun with us.
I kind of like him sometimes.
Though you should invest in a spell check 5go.
Exactly. He is definitely harmless, like an ankle-biting gnat or mosquito that get's swatted everytime it attempts an attack.
I like him, too.
I like him so much that I continue to patiently push him to get an education, get a job, and move out of his parent's house, the same things I've encouraged my children to do.
My kids took my counsel to heart by age 18, got jobs, moved out, got their own places, support themselves, and go to college.
A spell checker wouldn't solve his grammatical errors, nor would it teach him how to comprehend what he reads.
Only an education could do that.
BA - Lending a helping hand.
PS- 5go, you really need to get a job, get an education, and move out of your parent's house already. Trust me, it would be good for you, really.