***ipod Sale*** It is probably on your list for Christmas

by horrible life 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Apple Sale. In store (Apple stores, not Wal-Mart type stores), and online. Online will get you free engraving.

    http://store.apple.com/1-800-MY-APPLE/WebObjects/AppleStore.woa/wa/RSLID?nnmm=main&mco=EC571521Shopping event is available only at the Apple Online Store on November 23 from 12:01 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. PST and at Apple Retail Stores. Check your local Apple Retail Store for special hours. Sale prices are limited to stock on hand and while supplies last. Some products or promotions are not available outside the U.S. Product specifications are subject to change.

    Last year on Thanksgiving, I got the big city newspapers, and the internet, and made my Christmas shopping list. My daughter wanted an ipod. I did my research. Apple was having an after Thanksgiving sale!! People have told me since, that Apple does not have sales. I beg to differ.

    After listening to one song, on my daughters ipod, I had to have my own. It has wonderful sound quality. I just bought my own ipod, a couple of months ago, knowing that Apple would probably run another sale, but I couldn't wait. But here is your chance. I just received an email. Another sale.

    Last Christmas, Apple had 30GB $249.00 video ipod for $25.00 off, with free engraving. It has been discontinued, I bought it's replacement, an 80GB video ipod for $249.00 for myself. Mine will hold 10,000 more songs than hers. LOL Who needs 20,000 songs??? They have a 160GB that holds 40,000 songs, for $349.00, just in-case you think you need more songs.

    Sorry, I don't work for Apple, or own stock, but, I know alot of you, have an ipod on your list to buy. I am trying to save you some money. and get it engraved free. (I am thinking getting it stolen, or telling her you love her)

    So... After midnight, on Friday, or whatever time zone Apple is in, they are having a SALE!!! Lots of ladies are wanting the new Nano video. I just cant see it. Sure it's a little smaller, but is only 8GB for $199.00. You can have one like mine, 80GB for $249.00, and have 200 hours of movies, or 20,000 songs or a combo.

    Colleges are also using ipods. You can download lectures to your ipod for some instructors. Buy movies, or the episode of a TV series that you missed.

  • betterdaze

    Of course Apple runs sales, just check their website. Better yet, visit a bricks-and-mortar Apple Store and you can play before you buy.

    You can also compare prices with tax and shipping at: http://macworld.pricegrabber.com/

    If you're a student, or a parent of a student, definitely check out the student discount! Applies to educators and homeschoolers, too.



  • valkyrie

    It's just not fair! I looked up the iPod classic (80GB) on the online store for my geographic region, and it isn't "$249.00," but the equivalent of $368.00"! The 160GB is [the equivalent of] $516.00. Grrh!

  • justhuman

    nice point...I should get one

  • Leolaia

    I got the 80GB iPod last month....it's great for filling up with TV....I've got on it three seasons of Doctor Who, one season of Wonder Showzen, plus three movies (Titanic, Jurassic Park, Master and Commander), and so far I still have 56.6GB free.

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Valkyrie, where do you live? And why is it more expensive?

  • momzcrazy

    Horrible life, you have no idea how happy you may have made my daughters! That is really the only thing they have been asking for.

    Thank you infinity!


  • Nosferatu

    ...and then there's me who still thinks the Ipod is a dumb idea. My MP3 CD player cost me $89 back in 2001 and it's still working great. If I need more songs, I just burn another 700M CD. I can put 100 songs on a CD at 224kbps

    Here's the positives to my player:

    - I don't have to send it away if the battery dies. Just put in new ones or use rechargeables.
    - I don't lose my music if the player dies. I just get another one and use the same discs.
    - I can play my music on *any* computer with a CD-Rom or DVD-Rom drive
    - The CDs work in other people's car and home stereos.
    - No DRM encoding

  • valkyrie
    Valkyrie, where do you live? And why is it more expensive?

    Norway. 25% tax surcharge. On e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g, automatically!

  • horrible life
    horrible life


    Here's the positives to my player:

    - I don't have to send it away if the battery dies. Just put in new ones or use rechargeables.
    - I don't lose my music if the player dies. I just get another one and use the same discs.
    - I can play my music on *any* computer with a CD-Rom or DVD-Rom drive
    - The CDs work in other people's car and home stereos.
    - No DRM encoding

    I don't know too much about all of this stuff, but, I will try to re-butt your answers, in favor of ipod, From a woman and teenager's prospective.

    1. Batteries?? Just plug it in. No need to buy. The time wasted in just changing batteries alone, could add up to more that 27 minutes per year!!

    2. You will not lose your music if it dies. It lives on through a new ipod. Just as My Heart Will Go On, from Titanic.

    3. Why would you want to play it on any computer? Computer sound quality sucks. I just put the little buds in my ear, and enjoy beautiful stereo sound. I have portable speakers the size of my fist, that puts your computer speakers to shame. And I can plug it up to any stereo.

    4. I have a small, portable adapter, just like a car phone charger, that works to play my ipod in the car. No need to tote a bunch of extra stuff with me.

    5. DRM encoding. Well, let me tell you something Mr, about DRM encoding. DRM encoding is DRM encoding. (I will get back to you on that)

    6. I can put my own CD's onto my itune account, and ipod.

    7. Your mother can put all of your songs onto her ipod also.

    8. I can put 20,000 songs onto my ipod, and have the name of the artist displayed.

    9. I can watch up to 200 hours of video on my ipod.

    10. ipods, unlike your mp3player, show that you are cool.

    But most importantly, MY iPOD IS CUTE!!!!!!! So there

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