Does Love Need an Object?

by Satanus 29 Replies latest social relationships

  • Satanus
  • quietlyleaving

    I don't think so.

  • nvrgnbk


  • Satanus

    That is what i think, too. It's something that should help someone who did the loving in a relationship. I mean, they still have the love, even though they have not the object, anymore. Also, they know that they can love. Does this not deal a death blow to the unrequited love syndrome?


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo


    Or then again, maybe it depends on what kind of love?

    I guess selfish love does need an object because it expects love in return.

    But genuine love is given freely and rests wherever it is freely received - it just 'flows' - the heartbeat of the universe...

    ooohhhh emo's gone all deep now!

  • R.Crusoe

    Love needs an interaction! Love needs recognition! Love needs to be loved! So in that sense unconditional love exists unhappily in some of us because it does not receive the above three qualifications. It still exists void of these even though it needs them to fully realize its potential! IMHO

  • Gopher

    Based on how love is defined and generally used, I'd say "yes" it needs an object. Below are the 4 most common definitions, there were many more. But these ones illustrate common usage of "love":

    1.a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
    2.a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.
    3.sexual passion or desire.
    4.a person toward whom love is felt; beloved person; sweetheart.

    Definitions 1, 2 and 4 uses the word "for" or "toward", and definition 3 implies an object.

    WIthout an object, love is merely a concept.

  • *summer*


    Love is a feeling...

  • Gopher

    If love is a feeling, about WHAT is it a feeling? I think you need an object towards which to direct such a feeling.

  • R.Crusoe

    But no one has touched on the purity and essence of the emotion that is captured in the moment of a reciprocal interaction. It is quite different from that of detachment!

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