Does Love Need an Object?

by Satanus 29 Replies latest social relationships

  • eclipse

    I loved that link, blue. It's very poignant. I have it bookmarked in my favourites.

  • lonelysheep

    Love doesn't need an object, the person holding it may or may not feel the need for an object to express love to.

    1.a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
    2.a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.
    3.sexual passion or desire.
    4.a person toward whom love is felt; beloved person; sweetheart.

    Ahh! Sex is NOT love. (Sorry, perhaps that's another thread)

  • nvrgnbk

    I recently heard a neat saying in a movie ( Dan In Real Life - starring Steve Carell)...

    Love isn't a feeling, it's an ability.

  • dogisgod

    I think you might use a strap on or hand held. Just something I've heard.

  • sweetstuff

    No, love doesn't need an object. I feel love everytime I look at a beautiful sky, feel a wonderful breeze, not toward a "god" or towards anything, just a pure feeling of love, hard to explain I suppose. And for that matter, you can love a person even though you don't want to receive or interact with that person and want nothing from that person, at all. Love is as NVR said, an ability. To give of yourself, to nothing, to something, or someone. It doesn't require a vessel to be stored in or return the love. It simply can exist.

    Unrequitted love is simply love for the saking of loving. There is no reward, no "payback". It just is. When a loved one dies, do we stop loving them, because they are no longer present, cannot return our love? Or does the love still exist?

  • R.Crusoe

    Not surprised to find you here SS and Now I've slept my vocabularies well defined!

  • Satanus

    I tend to agree w sweetstuff, lonelysheep, quietlyleaving, nvr, sad emo, summer, voideater and blueviceroy. However, this may not be true for everyone. Perhaps objects help people to learn to love. It could be an offspring, a significant other, or a religious symbol. Take the example of evel knievel. After a lifetime of avoidance, he has found love in the form of an archetypal man, jesus. Whether jesus existed, or exists does not matter. He is an object of love, an icon which has been built up and maintained in american culture. Many of those around evel have projected that image at evel for decades.


  • Satanus


    I've heard of them, too ;)


  • R.Crusoe

    Saturnus - Chigong is something I know nothing of but it sounds fascinating. IMO love can be felt for someone and as such is a solitary experience. But love interaction is a different thing - when you are confident someone feels about you the way you do about them! When there is psychological distance where one feels a desire to connect but is feeling unable to or slight displays of rejection, then love is a different and negative, self destructive emotion. If one feels this from ones own family it never goes away but maybe weakens with time but influences other bonds one may make. If whole family and social isolation is felt then the negative emotions are compounded and may keep 'domino rallying' frequently as one tries to establish a positive emotional infrastructure to replace the one that is destroyed. So in the sense of love being destroyed - there is an obvious variety of objects it applied to in the above. Where love between a man and woman who mutually display it to each other in ways which become overwhelming for them, another emotion is at play. So you see, the above are just a few examples of human bondings which have positive and negative emotions attached to the term 'love'. There are more but I will not strive to explain them! Now am I in the the same territory or do you consider love some other feeling/aura?

  • proplog2

    Love wants contact with an object. Initially the contact is passive - through eyes and facial expression. It then moves to a more active stage of examination and attending to the object. Hate is moving AGAINST an object. Fear is moving away from an object. There is ALWAYS an object/objective to emotion. Sometimes the object is merely in one's imagination.

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