Should we unbelievers respect your faith? Warning another video!

by 5go 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • 5go

    I can not say it better.

  • WTWizard

    Everyone has the right to any faith they choose to believe in, no matter how deluded they are. What they do not have the right to do is deliberately set up a scam in the name of God and then threaten people with destruction unless they believe in your crap and remain in it, recruiting yet other victims into the same scam, and then using it to control others into giving you their money.

    People can believe anything they want to. I, for one, believe that God is the cruelest Tyrant imaginable that entertains Himself by causing suffering and stagnation, and then expects people to love Him unconditionally. That is based, not on any scripture, but on my own personal experiences and my personal experiences alone. No writings are going to tell me otherwise, since the writer has not experienced what I have, nor have I experienced what they have.

    Anyone wants to get me to believe in a maximally benevolent God? First, you are going to have to prove it. And "prove" doesn't mean showing me a number of scriptures or giving specious, stupid arguments to explain that "in a sense" crap or argue away His allowing wickedness. The operation illustration is worn out, specious, and stupid. The landlord issue is just as specious and ridiculous (why should I get evicted for not screeching around at 160 MPH telling others to believe the same crap?). Proving it means a pattern of real-life experiences, not written down second-hand experiences that may or may not be fake, that lock out the possibility of ever getting pulled out from under my feet, without conditions or strings attached, and that there is no way I, some other intelligent being, blind luck, or Satan could be responsible but only God could have done. Until that happens, anyone trying to get me to believe in a maximally benevolent God is wasting their time.

  • Shazard

    Tipical doubletalk of atheist. Would tear appart him in 2 minutes even without introducing religion! Poore guy!

  • Hellrider

    Would you like to elaborate on that, Shazard? Exactly what do you mean by "doubletalk"? I think he`s making a lot of sense.

  • Elsewhere
    Would you like to elaborate on that, Shazard? Exactly what do you mean by "doubletalk"? I think he`s making a lot of sense.

    Yes, please speak up about the double talk. Where you offended because he disputes the existence of Thor?

  • Shazard

    Hellrider... 00.07 he says, that he does not get it coz he has no calculatiosns, so... if he does not get it and there is no math for some part of reality, then it is discardable? This boils down to "If I am lame to understand it, it is lame thing"... exactly my position on Chemistry in School 00:53 He argues against "unviersal morality" and still is talking from position of such a morality - if that is not doubletalk then what is? 01:07 Incorrect definition of what is "faith" or in other words why should I buy his definitio? 01:13 His argumetn about faith being act of will. Let him (or you) try to believe in fairy tales, in christianity (assuming you are atheist) in Hinduism or Islam... DO IT and PROOVE that it is act of will and you will fail. So no arguments here! You can pretend you believe, pretention is act of will, but real faith and beleive is beyond will! REJECTION is act of will, acceptance is not! I reject atheism and all other forms of faith by will, but Christianity I do accept not by will but as Gift. And atheists too can reject anything but they can't perform act of will to start believieng something they don't believe. Faith is not function of Will. Will is function of your belief system! 01:18 "Without evidence you have no reason to believe". Again missrepresented meaning of "believe and faith". Also "evidence" is fuzzy word. I guess the dude assumes that "evidence" is something corresponding to claims of philosophical naturalism. SEZ WHO? Evidence is fuzzy word and meaning depends on context. And more, there is meny reasons to believe, problem is that the Dude does not accept the evidence but we do. So if your predisposition is to reject any proof that England is there, you will not be able to proove it, there does not exist evidence of England if I don't want to believe it! See - rejection is act of will! 01:50 Well... so what... Philosophical Naturalism defines every action of atheism and view of it. So why this should be the universal source of morality? SEZ WHO? 02:21 So if we left children for themselve sthey would grow up more moral? Proove? If we would let atheists to teach our children, then what morality they would teach if they by definition rejects existence of absolute morality? Why he wants to teach my children? Because he does not like the fact that my view on reality differs from his view, only because I reject his views and evidence? So what? He rejects my! So is he OK with teaching my children and I will teach his children? 02:30 So we should protect our children from horrors of reality? Well how about shutting down Hollywod first? 04:01 So whay should I care what HE is saying if he does not care what I say? 04:12 Yea right, then he does not have a clue what it means to walk the way of God, how eazy it is to live in constant chocies of morality and what is wrong and what is not. I would say it is Atheism which lies out everything in perfectly simple way - do what you want to do and let others to do what they want to do! No morality, no standards... and if anyone does not agree with this, he is immoral infantile! Yea right! Whatever :) 04:18 He wished... Interesting that exactly Christians at the Dawn of modern science was the ones who lifted they brains and even more - let them down for burning to give us modern science. I know I know that argument, that in middleages there all were christians, only thing is that atheists reject simple historical facts that Newton, Pascal etc. really were believers... and by this dudes definition... wer infantile unrespectable idiots who does not to have to lift a single brain cell! Well... that I guess tells something about this guy! 04:28 Cuts in both directions. I would add. NOT Believing in something does not make it wanish from reality! 04:44 Problem, he wants evidence in his Paradigm! But as I told if you don't want to believe then there is no evidence you will! Rejection is act of will! 04:55 The same... pleas do not ask me to not mock your beliefs and stupidity! :)

  • Elsewhere


    Time stamps and all... classic OCD behavior. As said before: Religion is a mental illness.

  • BurnTheShips

    Religion is a mental illness.

    Considering that something like 98% or so of humanity believes in something, and that belief has been universal throughout history, doesn't that sound a tad bit arrogant? I mean, you are essentially saying that the overwhelmingly vast majority of humanity is mentally deranged and that you yourself are not. "Everyone is crazy but me"


  • mouthy

    Oh another limey with all the answers. Speaks so well too!
    I too believe religion is not a good thing. But I sure wish he had a relationship with the Creator But he sounds like he is convinced So" convince a man against his will he's of the same opinion still."
    I believe Faith is a gift & if he dont want it. Why she he be given it..... Oh I love those limey's that talk like him---- Reminds me of my dear old dad. He talked like that too.---Same accent-same surity...Time will tell wont it.

  • Elsewhere
    Considering that something like 98% or so of humanity believes in something

    Sure, and at least 98% of the population used to believe: that the world is flat, that witches eat children, that cats suck the breath out of babies, that the earth sits on top of the back of a giant tortoise, that Thor's hammer causes thunder, that unicorns are real (the bible says so!), that dragons are real (the bible says so!), that comets mean bad news, that planets control people (oops, people still believe this!), that invisible omnipotent and all powerful deities are obsessed with what you do with your genitals (oops, people still believe this!)

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