Should we unbelievers respect your faith? Warning another video!

by 5go 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • serotonin_wraith
    Considering that something like 98% or so of humanity believes in something, and that belief has been universal throughout history, doesn't that sound a tad bit arrogant? I mean, you are essentially saying that the overwhelmingly vast majority of humanity is mentally deranged and that you yourself are not. "Everyone is crazy but me"

    Can millions of people be wrong? Of course, and I shall prove it. We know people suffer delusions and hallucinations, it has been documented and recorded and written about throughout much of our history. There is proof this happens. We can measure brain wave patterns, interview people, and find there is absolutely no evidence to back up the claims of these people. The fact people can be delusional is undeniable. But what about religious delusion?

    Let's look at just two religions in the world today. Christianity and Islam. With Muslims and Christians, much of their beliefs are different and exclusive. Muslims don't believe Jesus was the Messiah, and Christians think he was. Christians don't believe Muhammed was God's prophet, and Muslims think he was. At the very least, one of these groups is wrong. They cannot possibly both be right.

    Yet each group has millions of believers who have a 'personal connection' with their god. Millions of people are obviously wrong in that assumption, whether it is the Christians, the Muslims, or both. Millions of people are living a lie and have the wrong worldview. Add to those statistics the various other religions on offer, and many millions more can be included in the delusional category. Common sense tells us that there are for definite millions of people on the Earth right now who are deluded about the god they believe in.

    98% of the world may believe in the supernatural, yet only 33% are Christian. Don't Christians think everyone else has it wrong? How arrogant!

  • BurnTheShips

    Thanks Sero, but that was not the thrust of my comment.

    I was not attempting to present an argument for the correctness of theism from numbers of believers, but to show that calling them mentally deranged was arrogant.

    I liked your explanation, however.


  • BurnTheShips
    98% of the world may believe in the supernatural

    I take it that you do not believe in the supernatural (or the subnatural)? The natural only?


  • serotonin_wraith

    I think there are things beyond our senses, but I don't think they should be called supernatural. I still think they would be natural things, like sounds humans can't hear yet still exist, or lightwaves that were outside our realm of knowledge until we created the technology to sense them.

  • BurnTheShips
    I think there are things beyond our senses, but I don't think they should be called supernatural. I still think they would be natural things, like sounds humans can't hear yet still exist, or lightwaves that were outside our realm of knowledge until we created the technology to sense them.

    OK, so you are basically a Naturalist, these you describe are all natural things, even if they are not immediately detectable to the senses. In other words, that there is only the Natural, and no Supernatural. That would seem consistent with posts of yours that I have read (and hence your atheism, since God is the "ultimate supernatural")


  • serotonin_wraith

    I think it may be what supernatural things people believe in that should be considered. For example, it may be true that most people believe in supernatural things, yet would you think people who believed in faries were deluded? If so, then their numbers don't help your cause. You see them the same way a naturalist would. Millions of people believe Allah spoke to Mohammed, but if they are deluded then their numbers don't help you either. People believe in all kinds of supernatural things, but along with naturalists, you see many as deluded. I don't think it makes you arrogant to think that either. You'd just need proof.

  • BurnTheShips

    OK Sero, maybe I am not understanding you correctly, but it seems to me you are saying this (correct me if I am wrong):

    You don't have a problem with supernatural things, you just believe specific instances are deluded?

    In other words, supernatural things exist, but things like fairies and such do not?

    Or do you believe that there are no supernatural things, everything is material (be it matter or energy)?

    I mau not have much time today to continue much further,


  • serotonin_wraith

    I don't believe in anything supernatural.

    You believe in some supernatural things, but there are many supernatural things you dismiss because there is no reason to believe in them.

    I'm saying that I don't think it's arrogant to think of believers of supernatural things as deluded, as even the believers themselves dismiss plenty of supernatural things themselves.

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