JWs just not important in this world no matter what they/we want to believe

by restrangled 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • WTWizard

    For such a little group, they sure cause more than their fair share of trouble. They wake people up and disrupt their work and leisure activity with a message that is pure crap. Their arguments are so specious that people can and do fall for it, and then it's almost impossible to leave once you are in. They want people to get whole families in, so if one leaves or cannot follow all the rules, they will have major consequences.

    I would like to see that tiny group abolished. Not by laws, since they will just go underground and do their work anyways. But, if they can be embarrassed by public relations campaigns, then at least people will not be going in. True, those already in will be told to not believe the "lies" that the government puts out about the organization. But, that campaign has already worked for things like smoking (there are fewer people starting smoking now than was the case in the 1960s). All they have to do is a media blitz portraying Jehovah's Witlesses as being totally uncool and unsexy, and the doctrine crap, and people will be all the more inclined to stay away from the cult. Links to viable apostate Web sites that expose the cult's dirty secrets will enhance the program all the more.

    Do that, and the group will stay tiny. They will waste their gas going from door to door, but no one will want any part of them. They will lose what little significance they already have when everyone slams their doors in their faces or exposes them to apostate literature. Then they might dwindle even more for apathy.

  • justhuman

    For sure, JW's mean nothing to this world exept for us the WT has destroyed our lifes. The world does not have a clue what they believe, no matter how much preaching the claim they are doing. I supposed to live in a country of 11 millions and 28 thousands JW's are living and people just don't care about their crap.

    In fact they ingore them completely, because people have to deal with their own problems and life, and this is my personal experience after I left JW's. When you are a JW you think that the world wakes up in the morning and all they can think is how to persecute JW's and how to hurt them.

    The real world does not care at all about them, and that is the true

  • Junction-Guy

    Not a day goes by at work when someone doesnt start talking to me about the JW's. Just about everyone knows Im an XJW and they always love to joke about the JW's.

    A couple of weeks ago my Lieutenant told someone over the radio to be careful or I would go down to the Kingdom Hall and put a hex on them, we all just about died laughing.

  • sweetstuff

    Excellent post Restrangled, and I completely agree, the world at large has bigger fish to fry, than the meager little group of JWs. They don't even make it to pimple on the butt of the world, they are the ingrown hair, inside the pimple. Annoying but for the most part unseen and little more than a nuisance. However, media footage is still important, to even stop one person from having their lives destroyed by the WTS. We can't shut them down, we can't do them in, but we can one person at a time, weaken their grasp on a future generation of young minds. The older hardcore line of JW's is dying off, and the more information available to the younger, more opened mind generation of born-ins, the better.

  • Mrs Smith
    Mrs Smith
    the JW's are just a pimple on the butt of the world.

    I wish someone would come along and squeeze the ... out of this pimple! Your so right though. It's only big news to us.

  • carla

    the JW's are just a pimple on the butt of the world.-- A new saying! love it! can I use that?

    That should be a bumper sticker! (made my morning, thanks!)

  • oompa


    OOmpa....I meant to tell you thankyou.

    Your are a great guy!


    AWWWWW ((((R)))) what a nice thing to wake up to! I actually had this thread on my mind this morning a posted a similar thought about it on the "we are all growing old " thread. My coffee was going down great and then I read this:

    Sweetstuff: They don't even make it to pimple on the butt of the world, they are the ingrown hair, inside the pimple.

    Geeze honey, this is TMI!! You have the ability to invoke great sexual imagery, and then you go and post something like this!!! Even my coffee taste bad now.

    On another note, and to get my mind off Sweetstuffs @ss now, Dubs could become very relevant real quick if they really were bold. I am so sick or reading daring $hit done by old dubs in CLIMAX (i used climax and sweetstuff in the same paragraph!) that they think rocked the Christendom world in like 1922 and NOBODY knows ANYTHING about it! Like it would be in Britannica or something. Back to Bold. Like if I could buy Pella or Dow (glass) stock today, and then arm every JW with sling shots and told them to break 1000 windows a week! Now that would get some attention and put some cash in the bank! Of course we have had threads about more violent possibilities, like what if Dubs really got armed and became a guerrilla army.

    ps I hit enter too early...so now you have to make your own terrorist type ending.......oompa---believe me, they could make the news fast

  • new boy
    new boy

    I disagree.

    I think everyone in this world is impotant. I just believe they are any more important then anyone else.

  • buffalosrfree

    witnesses are only legendary to themselves. They have no real concept of just how they are viewed in reality. the latest several (aren't they all) book studies show them as making trumpet like proclamations that have supposed ly affected 1/3 of christendom or mankind however you wish to say it.

    Here is one of their gems from a recent book study:

    Chpt 25 para. part of 25 and 26 it reads "... To her chagrin, Christendom had to acknowledge that the God of the Bible Students had performed a great act in restoring them to Christian activity. 26 It may be that the clergy gave this acknowledgment only mentally, or to themselves. Certainly, none of them went on record as publicly acknoledging the God of the two witnesses. But Jehovah's prophecy through John helps us to discern what was in their hearts and realize the humiliating shock that they experienced in 1919. From that year onward, as the "seven thousand" left Christendom despite her determined efforts to hold on to her sheep, the clergy were forced to recognize that the God of the John class was stronger than their god."

    talk about being legends in their own minds, now they are EKG's that is able to discern the heart activity. how humble they are huh???


    ..But..But..But,Jehovah`s Witness`s are such a Large Organization..Do the Math!..There are 2 Billion Christians!..1 Billion of them are Catholics!..6 million are Jehovah`s Witness`s!..Catholics make up 50% of Christianity..Jehovah`s Witness`s make up 0.30% of Christianity..And..They both have a huge pedophile problem.....This isn`t working out..Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

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