JWs just not important in this world no matter what they/we want to believe

by restrangled 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover

    I agree, Restrangled...

    And that's why you'll never see JW scandals hit the news the way Catholic scandals do. To the average, everyday person, the JWs are a strange little religion with some weird beliefs and practices. The average person who knows about JWs knows about the blood transfusion issue and little else.

  • blondie

    jws live such a insular life separate from world events that they have no clue. Rather than being known for preaching about God's kingdom, it is blood transfusion, flag salute, no birthdays and holidays. Proves they are failing in their "mission" of making the kingdom known.

  • MikeA

    You are so right and yet the impact on those who are members is way out of proportion to their relative unimportance. It is sickening. Here I am, a disfellowshipped apostate of long standing, the only person in my entire family making a decent living. All of the rest do menial tasks for menial wages all because these "doofus' in charge" tell them they shouldn't get an education. These people won't say boo to me for years (and I do mean for over 30 years they haven't said squat to me), then when our dad becomes seriously ill, you would think my brothers/sisters and I were "old buddies" because they need the one thing they don't have....... money to help our dad out. It is despicable! Help my dad? YOU BET! Do I have the spare cash to do so, yes indeed. Do I do it for "them?" Not a chance! You see, I received a little love note from my sister back in 1981 or so stating that they could not associate with me because I was in the military and disfellowshipped! Well, that hurt me pretty badly. In fact, it sunk deep in my soul. Not the disfellowshipping part.... who cares about that. It was the family part that hurt. This was on top of the fact that they hadn't said anything to me in years (probably due to the fact that I had been disfellowshipped alot earlier and never knew about it). Anyway, I had a very successful career and continued my education while I was actually in the service (25 years, the retired). Due to that education, I was able to take on a well-paid second career with the largest IT outfit in the world. So, yes, I will help with dad...... gladly....... but to the rest of you I say..... well, the folks here don't want to hear that part. It isn't pretty!

  • Bangalore

    Good points. It is just a small not so significant religion.


  • 3rdgen

    I agree with all of you about the lack of signifigance/relevance of the WTS. However, it's like a sliver under my fingernail. It may be nothing to everyone else but it's effect has been PAINFUL to me. My hope is to get rid of it as quickly as possible and try to forget it was ever there.(not easy after almost 60 yrs.)

  • talesin

    On the world stage, I believe this to be true. One thing I have found interesting in the past, oh, five years or so. Here in my part of Canada, there seems to be a growing distaste/dislike for JWs.

    After I get to know someone for a while, they will inevitably ask about family, to which I reply, "Oh, my family are JWS, so they shun me." The person will usually nod and then tell me about a schoolmate they grew up with that they felt sorry for as a child. Or it may be a workmate they knew/know, who is also being shunned,,, or on the flip side, is a practicing JW who they feel is a bit 'off', to say the least.

    I've even had folks say to me "they are a cult".

    Not too important in the grand scheme of things, yes,,, but at least around this part of the world, they are gaining a reputation as an abusive cult.


  • Bangalore

    Also this newspaper coverage about the mentally diseased stuff might have helped increase dislike for the religion.


  • talesin


    Certainly, the British got a good 'witness' about the truth about the Truth TM , with the breaking of that story several weeks ago.

    I would say that when decent people read about the reality of the shunning, it's kinda natural to dislike the cult.

    And once a person believes that such institutional cruelty is practiced, and indeed, routine for the JWS, they are more open to hearing about the child abuse coverups,,, and once they know THAT,,, well, folks just seem to think it's evil and crazy.

    Works for me.


  • Butterflyleia85

    Well Said! and nice comments on here.

  • DesirousOfChange

    buffalo: . . . witnesses are only legendary to themselves.

    Undercover: To the average, everyday person, the JWs are a strange little religion with some weird beliefs and practices. The average person who knows about JWs knows about the blood transfusion issue and little else.

    Had this discussion after a TMS part about "JWs do not believe in Christ"...........my friend says so many believe that. I respond that a lot of good all the door-2-door work is doing when no one even believes JWs are christians!!!

    Ask anyone what they know about JWs -- (1)Don't celebate Christmas or birthdays and (2)refuse blood transfusions. Period.

    And they didn't learn that from the 1.6 billion hours in door-2-door. Waste of time! They heard if from the newpaper or from work or from school.

    I oftened wondered why the Almighty chose such a lousy PR representative on Earth that they could only recruit 0.1% of the population?

    (Still, I was told that the Branch meeting claimed 3% increase in US Branch. Can this be true?)


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