So my grandma, a VERY devoted and loyal Witness since she was in her 20's (?) is now 92 and in a home, because she has very advanced Dementia and Alzheimer's disease. She has better days than others, most days she just sits and stares... she doesn't recognize most people she knew. Anyway, I guess a 'sister' went to the home to see her the other day, and asked how she was doing. My grandma replied that she wished she'd just die already. The sister told her, "I'm sorry you feel that way... At least you have the Resurrection to look forward to." My grandma looked at her and said, "What? What Resurrection?" The sister went on to 're-tell' my grandma all about how she's been a Witness her whole life, and about the Resurrection to Earth... My grandma looked at her and said, "And you mean to tell me I BELIEVED that??" My mom told me about this with an 'isn't that sad' attitude. I was cracking up later telling hubby about it. He said, "Ahh, the wisdom old age brings." I have a mind to go to the home Thursday with Thanksgiving dinner. :) And then maybe a Christmas present. Would that be bad?? :)
The wisdom of my 92 year old Alzheimer's stricken grammy...
by Elyse867 15 Replies latest jw friends
LOL Good for Grandma.
that is sad
Out of the mouths of babes and Alzheimer's stricken grammy!!!
We had a similar experience with my husband's grandma! She refused point blank to go to any meetings or meet with any JWs once she started to suffer with dementia! It seemed someone had taken away her 'rose tinted spectacles' and finally she saw the light!
My love and a big hug to your grammy!!
Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
Sorry to hear you've got a loved one in a home, but cheers to an enchange that brings a laugh! Yes yes, we do get wiser with age!! Love it.
Haha. Funny. I wonder though, what DOES she believe, w regard to death and what comes after? It would be interesting to get thoughts from an alzheimer person, who lives so much, only in the present.
S -
That's so funny!! The best to your grandma
Poor Grammy!!!
would be interesting to get thoughts from an alzheimer person, who lives so much, only in the present.
So Satanus ask me anything
My grandma looked at her and said, "And you mean to tell me I BELIEVED that??"
You gotta wonder what the elders are going to do with her now.
a woman i knew from the hall with dementia also left the witnesses and had enough of the whole thing too - the story was similar to yours except now this woman is left without witnesses supporting her and has to rely on the state resources, sad that her friends dont help her...