I don't think there's any hard and fast rules and I can only speak about my own case.
I'm still more judgemental than I like. I'm aware of it and I'm working on it. And while I can't blame Jevhovah's Witnesses for all of my dysfunctions, the culture of fear and superiority that they engender makes them the primary source for my antisocial handicaps.
I've mentioned it before but one of the things that I really hold against the watchtower and their pharisaical religion is their exhuberance for believing that they are above the rest of humankind. With mere words, they write off whole groups of people (anyone who believes differently then them actually) and then, leave it in Jehovah's hands. Well it's not in God's hands if they are already doing the snubbing, mistreating, and shunning.
So, in my opinion and in my experience, I do believe that ex-jw are indeliably and negatively marked by their time spent with that organization. I feel too, that with work and determination, It's possible to limit the side effects and rise above the narrow-minded, intolerant teachings.