I knew a man in east texas. He was an elder for years. I was related, distantly, to him through marriage, so I heard all the stories.
He married a witness woman with two lttle boys. He would come home drunk and make one of the boys (5 and 6 at the time) stimulate him until orgasm. No one seemed to understand later how his wife, the boys mother, was in deep depression. Unable to get out of bed for days. Of course, she couldn't see a psychatrist, because they are evil. He finally died about 5 years ago.
I will tell you, he was a very funny and nice guy. By the time I met him he was very active but not an elder and the step-son he abused was about 18 when I came into the family.
You never know. Child abusers very seldom look or act like a child abuser.