What to really expect from the JW's from the latest News

by restrangled 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • restrangled

    As wonderful as the coverage was concerning abuse of children in the Watchtower Organization, I think most of us deep down know that it will be ignored, denied and/or described as apostate lies.

    The most we can hope for is enlightenment of the general public to the fact that JW's are no different than any of the other religions they point fingers at. It will make it more difficult to get a listening ear at the door.

    The JW's exist in a very small world. They are taught anything not coming from headquarters is basically lies.

    Any mistakes made were due to old light, or as I have heard from my own relatives...."well, the entire world didn't know any better so the "Organization" is just catching up like everyone else. (This was concerning spousal abuse)

    A lucky few will have someone that will wake up, but for most that is not likely. There will be a small few who think this through and then blow it off.

    Prepare yourselves for very ignorant replies and reactions from those who are in, and try to enjoy your Thanksgiving day!


  • dawg

    It reminds me of the Nuremburg trials... everyone of those fools had an excuse for the wrongs committed. We were only following orders and the like. They look for excuses instead of saying the shit is simply worng. Sad really,

  • avishai

    It's also great for those who HAVE been abused, and are able to get validation....very important. The blind R&F will swallow anything like always, but for those on their way out, or who thought they were alone, the only ones who've been thru this, to them, it's invaluable!

  • BurnTheShips

    Every little bit helps.

  • AlphaOmega

    I think that for those that already have a seed of doubt in their mind, it will serve to feed that doubt

  • quietlyleaving

    I got a standard reply - "I'm serving Jehovah not the organisation" - but the JW listened very carefully to all the details.

  • AlphaOmega

    I've actually seen and heard a couple of good replies already - it is making people think.

    Even if it is something that they were already aware of, seeing it on TV news sort of makes it more real for people.

  • flipper

    You just never know what might happen- all we can do is cast little seeds of doubt out there, as Minimus said on another thread and see what happens. I don't have to save all the witnesses, but if I can save a few, it will have been worth it. I will continue to be vocal about it

  • worldtraveller

    I think the best you can get here is prevention as opossed to a cure. I don't believe there is a cure for stupidity?

  • JH

    They wouldn't know where to turn to, so they rather deny all facts.

    They like simple solutions to everything.

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