I would love to be able to show them to my husband so he can check them for himself since he thinks the only changes made were that the NWT is in a "Modern Language" He gets quite upset with me when he tells me he has read the bible front to back several times and I say "Yes you have, but the bible you are reading has been changed from what the scriptures in other versions of the bible say" Thanks in advance for any help with this. Grammy
Is there a list of changes made in the New World Translation?
by Grammy 39 Replies latest watchtower bible
actualy yes...you don't need a list..their whole translation is a designed according to the WT "theocratic language" . It is so outrageous, specially for us the Greeks. I mean it is obvious that this guys who made that translation don't have a clue regarding Greek language!!!
Just google 'changes in the NWT?" or 'scholarly dishonesty in the New World Translation' . There are many, many sites about the changes made in the NWT. Also look for the 237 additions of j'ehovah' to the New Test. I think there is one site called 'What do scholars really think of the NWT'. I find it odd that most jw's will not read their own KIT and look at the changes themselves. The NWT is a commentary not a bible, it is reworded in places to fit wt doctrines.
Would he allow himself to read another version?
Or does he specifically stick to his NWT?
He should be 'allowed' to read another one at home anyway. Don't they go along with 'all scripture is blah, blah, blah.....?'
Would he allow himself to read another version?
Or does he specifically stick to his NWT?
Hi Summer, yes he will and he has a King James version but he defends the NWT saying "Well, it means the same thing" when I point out differences, I need a few blatant changes to show him, and having not touched the thing since 2000 I'm rusty to say the least.
actualy yes...you don't need a list..their whole translation is a designed according to the WT "theocratic language" .
I totally agree, I just need to convince him of that fact. Grammy
The NWT is a commentary not a bible, it is reworded in places to fit wt doctrines.
Absolutely! I agree. Even though the Bible specifically says not to change anything, they do it anyway:
REV 22: 18 “I am bearing witness to everyone that hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone makes an addition to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this scroll; 19 and if anyone takes anything away from the words of the scroll of this prophecy, God will take his portion away from the trees of life and out of the holy city, things which are written about in this scroll.
When they added "Jehovah" for "Lord" and "God", which are the words the NT Bible writers put there, then they broke this law. That's why they are called the "man of lawlessness" that rises up in God's own house at 2 Thess 4:2, 3. They break one law of God after another. God says don't make any rules about food, the kingdom is not about that, and they forbid tobacco and blood. God says the only grounds for divorce is adultery otherwise don't break up marriages, and they make brothers where polygamy is the custom divorce all their wives except their first wife, breaking that law. No where in the Bible does it condemn polygamy! It just notes that positions in the congregation should be restricted to those with one wife and households in subjection. Men with more than one wife and family obviously have their hands full as it is, positions in the congregation were not to become more important than a man's primary responsibility for his own household. JWs mistakenly use this to imply Christ intended a rule against polygamy. But isn't it obvious that if postions in the congregation were to be restricted to men with one wife that there were some in the congregation with more than one wife? It doesn't say, "Oh by the way, you must disfellowship anyone not divorcing their secondary wives!" JEEZ!
The GB's sins have truly piled up to the heavens. They are in every way the quissential "evil slave", "man of lawlessness" and "false prophet" and of late fully a part of "Babylon the Great."
Just google 'changes in the NWT?" or 'scholarly dishonesty in the New World Translation' .
Thank you Carla, actually he is inactive but is still a believer.....however he is wavering due to a lot of the information I have presented him with since I dissociated, especially the NBC video on child abuse and he didn't like it at all when I presented him with the proof that they did not approve of studying anything that the WTBTS doesn't publish...he said that is just not right, they always encouraged personal study, I said yes as long as it's their publications you are studying! Grammy