Febreze works really well - I had a visiting cat pee on a brand new mattress -I googled it and found a lot of folks recommend Febreze. Worked for me. Cat may have a bladder infection - a course of antibiotics might help, as someone else mentioned. Also, I use one of those three part trays, one tray is full of holes, sifts the litter, very very easy to clean.
Cat pee
by noni1974 44 Replies latest jw friends
Our cat does the same thing, but she will go on the bean bag (probably because it moves like litter) or if a plastic bag is left lying around she will use that - she is the same and only does this when the litter box needs changing.
Its almost like she is saying "I'll teach you not to change my box".
The annoying things is she will sit there and watch me change the litter, as soon as it is done and I step back she hops in a squeezes a bit out - does it everytime
I think bicarbonate of soda is good for getting smells out of fabric, although I've not tried it. I use Febreze too.
there is a product I use called Eco-pure. it's works really well. unfortunately I only know JW's who sell it.
I'll see if they have it on ebay
I used an enzyme cleaner from the pet store after my cats used under the stairs as a litter box while we were on holidays for three weeks. (don't ask me why the kid we paid to clean the boxes didn't find it odd that they didn't need cleaning)
My cats will not use any other litter besides unscented clumping litter. I tried yesterday's news and they refused to use the boxes at all, that was a mess.
Mine pee on the mat in from of the boxes if i let them go too long. or a handy plastic bag which is really odd.
I also had to buy a new one a few months ago after they decided one just didn't work for them anymore.
I would make a trip to the pet store and see what they have. Might be a bit expensive but worth the investment especially if you intend to keep fostering cats.
Bobbi -
I had a cat that would just go in front of the box if I let it go more than 24 hours. I used scoopable litter, and it worked great until toward the end of his life...I think he had diabetes, because he would drink water like crazy, then go in the box like crazy...I had 2 boxes for ONE cat...they would both be clean when I left in the morning, when I got home in the evening, one or both boxes would be solid blocks....because poor cat had gone so much...This went on for a couple months before I figured out what was wrong. He died before I could get him to a vet....probably would have had to put him down anyway... I miss my Zac kitty.
As to the comforter problem...the washing machine is not going to help until you have properly pretreated the comforter..the vinegar may work..I forget what the acidity of it is versus cat pee......I have heard good things about this product: http://www.urine-off.com/Cats.php (1 bottle and the UV light is $20 +s/h) ..the UV light is for locating the exact location of the stain. (Hey maybe you should ask your secret santa for this ...LOL) But don't hold me to this recommendation, I haven't tried it.
The uric acid in the urine is the problem an until that is gone, you will not get rid of the odor. Uric acid is made up of crystals and salts. When it dries, the odor tends to go away or lessen..but if the area gets wet or it gets humid, the odor comes back with a vengence. And no matter what, the cat smells it and wants to pee there again and again...so you gotta get rid of it.... edited to add...Febreze only covers the odor...it does not get rid of the crystals of uric acid...I use Febreze for everything but cat pee...
To prevent this problem in the future...you have to be diligent in keeping the boxes clean.Since you have more than 1 cat, you may want to get a multiple cat formula litter and also use at least 2 boxes...at the very least, clean the boxes out in the morning when you get up and when you get home before going to bed.....I know...I used to work overnights and just wanted to get into bed..the last thing I wanted to do was clean a litter box...but the cat(s) will
makeare making you pay! (Mine did, til he got me properly trained!)This is probably the #1 reason I havent gotten a new cat, as much as I want one.
I wish you well in this conundrum....
Snakes ()
I like the idea of training the cats to use the toilet - but I remember how hard it was to train my kids, never mind a cat And one of our cats isnt exactly the brightest thing so I'm not sure how sucessfull it would be.
We have been looking at getting something like this http://www.scoopfree.com/
I change my cat litter every 4 days.
A few times in her 14.5 years, she peed on the floor because the litter was too old.
Use a non scented cat litter, some cats don't tolerate perfume.
You should google this problem, cause there are many causes to this....
I thought about the training the cat thing....however, I only have 1 toilet in my little house...so what happens if I am sitting there on the toilet and the cat comes in and starts staring at me?
What would I do? What would the cat do? Who has priority? LOL
Snakes ()
Try putting 2 cat boxes.....
White Dove
Ok, your cat is innocent. Your toilet is broken. Would you sit down on an overflowing toilet bowl full of shit and piss and let that stuff touch your bum? Hmm? You see the person that is responsible for fixing your toilet goofing off and never fixing it. Wouldn't you want to piss on her/him, too? Hmm? Yes, you would. Cats are very clean animals that don't shit in dirty boxes. They like clean and clean smelling boxes. The product that I found most helpful is kitty crystals. Those blue and clear crystals that last a month. All you have to do is scoop the shit out of it every day and stir the litter. Change it out completely once a month. Your cat deserves to have its box scooped everyday. God, that box must stink terribly. I certainly wouldn't go in it. Your cat simply can't stand it, either. Poor kitty!