Don`t blame the cat..You`ve got a pet now,you have to take care of it just like a child..Cats don`t like dirty litter box`s..It either won`t use the dirty litter box..Or..It will clean the box itself and toss all the dirty litter outside of the box.....I`ve got an automated litter box,that cleans itself...OUTLAW
Cat pee
by noni1974 44 Replies latest jw friends
Keep your cat outside it can pee where ever it needs to and pretty much no one cares. I'm a firm believer that pets especially the four legged ones belong outside.
My uncle who is a Vet said the most unhealthy pets he sees are the ones who live inside.
White Dove
Outside is where all the fleas, ticks, hairballs, worms, and diseases are. My vet said that indoor ones are healthier. This is interesting.
BikerChic..I agree..The trouble is..When winter hits the Great White North..The snow is waist deep and the ground is frozen..The cat would die,trying to take a dump..
Well I'm not a heartless pet owner on really cold or hot days I let the critters in but they are trained to poty outside where animal waste belongs imho. I think it's really dirty to have litter boxes indoors where little kids can get to them plus the cats track all that grit everywhere even on counter tops if they are climbers, ugg talk about dirty!
I had almost the exact same thing happen with my cat. It can be a UTI but generally it is b/c the cat box is too messy for the cat to use. Cats are very fastidious animals and their box has to be kept clean. They are sort of like humans in this regard, we are particular about our bathrooms. the second cat box is good. Also, b/c this happened to me i goggled it and found that cats apparently do not like litter with a scent. also not only do you need to scoop the litter daily(or at least every other day) but about every 2 weeks to a month you should completely empty the entire litter and wash the box with soap and water and put in completely fresh litter.
also, if you have been moving furniture around or someone new has moved in or moved out or your routine has changed, you moved their box, or their has been arguing and uproar the cats are not used to -they may urinate all over things b/c they are upset. cats are just sensitive little souls.
as for cats urine smell and stains- they make several really good stain remover especially for this problem.I believe i found my last one at walmart, but if not, try petco. Spray something really objectionable on anything they have urinated on. We fund an organic pepper spray worked really well.
the comforter-is it washable? If so will be fairly easy, use some of the cat urine stain remover and odor eliminator on it . if dry cleaning is needed you may be able to spray the spot with the urine odor eliminator and tell the dry cleaner.
when this happen to me we ended up at the laundry with my comforter, a down comforter, electric blanket and sheet. all king size. Was miserable. I washed my Down-you can do that, a lot of people do not not that but you can. all is well and kitty got barred from bedroom
It was my fault -since then I have been very careful to keep the box very clean.
Outside is where all the fleas, ticks, hairballs, worms, and diseases are. My vet said that indoor ones are healthier. This is interesting.
I always had my pets vaccinated and or treated for outside pests it's easy to do and is what you have to do to keep them healthy. The point my uncle (the Vet) was making about indoor verses outdoor animals is that when a pet is kept indoors they don't have a chance to go through the natural process of thickening up their fur for the winter months or properly shedding for the summer months. When they are sent outside to potty or for a walk to keep them exercised they catch cold easier in the winter months just like we do however they don't have a "coat" to put on to keep them warm. He saw a lot of sickly pets because of that.
Hairballs? LOL Gotta watch those hairballs out running around!
Oh as far as getting the smell out of fabric who ever mentioned the product to break down the uric acid has my vote. Vinegar may help but it won't do a really good job and I hope you used white vinegar it is better for cleaning than apple cider vinegar. Fabrize will just mask the oder and eventually it will come back especially on a hot humid day. Plus you run the risk of the cat re-using that spot to potty again.
Another idea is you might want to take it to a professional dry cleaners they probably have a good remedy for cat urine.
Why don't you keep the cats outside?
Go to where the cat sleeps and pee on it’s bed, then leave a note that says “We don’t sleep in your cat box so please don’t pee on our bed!
When I was a little kid, the neighbors had a sign something like that stuck on the side of their pool. It worked. My stupid brother read it and never peed in their pool again.
Dave -
I got kicked out once for peeing in a Public Pool..From the Diving Board.....