Can somebody make a copy of this? Is it legal to put on You Tube with an introduction? I had expected it to have dissapeared.
by horrible life 24 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Can somebody make a copy of this? Is it legal to put on You Tube with an introduction? I had expected it to have dissapeared.
I wish I could help you, but I don't have the techie mad skillz. I did follow their link on the word copyright and found this:
Copyright © 2007 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. All Rights Reserved.
Unless otherwise indicated, all documents, images, and other information contained in this Web site are the intellectual property of Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania.
This Web site is published and maintained by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.
Watchtower and the Watchtower logo are registered trademarks of Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania.
Thanks anyway Eagle. Ignorant video don't you think?
Yeah, I do think the video ignorant. A specious argument at best. "15 or 20 twenty years ago we didn't have..."
Try that BS argument while trying to justify racial hate and see how far it goes.
Also, I call bs on what she said because of what happened in two cases in my own family. My dad told me of an incident of child molestation in his neighborhood when he was a kid. The adults in the neighborhood were going to lynch some guy they caught messing with a child. My grandfather stepped in and talked his neighbors into turning the guy over to the police. The other event involved my mom and her older sister who were molested by their own father who was also an elder in Tulsa. My aunt told some adults in the kh and my maternal grandfather was removed as an elder for the offense. So, bs to the lady in the video they (both the worldly and the jw's) knew it was wrong to touch a child in the mid to late 40's. There will NEVER be an excuse for child molestation regardless of when in the chronology of time that it happened. Pathetic.
I wonder why Paul, Moses and other bible writers in "god's organization" earlier didn't have their writings copywrited. Guess that's what the difference between "inspired by god" and "spirit directed".
How could anyone in their right mind make such statements? Perhaps the word "pedophilia" was unknown but what it refers to certainly was; and the effects upon its victims, can there be any doubt as to the harm it caused them?
"anyone in their right mind "
Those are the key words.
I hate to say it and I don't mean any offense but how can anyone who subscribes to the beliefs of the WTB&TS be thought of as "in their right mind"?
After all the failed prophecies and all the flip flops ,etc.....
What a disgusting video !!
So... let me get this straight... they didn't know that child abuse was wrong ??
What about their "BibleWatchtower trained conscience" that they harp on about all the time ?
Here is the transcript from the PDF that is mentioned on that page :
Transcript of Video News Release
Dr. Gail Bethea-Jackson, LCSW-C, B.C.D., specializing in victimization, children and adolescent issues, and posttraumatic stress disorder
The Progressive Understanding of Child Abuse for Society in General
Dr. Bethea-Jackson: I don't think, 18 or 20 years ago, we knew much of anything about pedophiles. It wasn't really looked at as a criminal matter.
We didn't publicize it as being an act that needed some criminal intervention, so to speak.
We didn't look at it … or it wasn't … people didn't have the body of knowledge 18 or 20 years ago to say that this is something that will harm your child emotionally, if you don't address it.
Parents didn't know the seriousness, 18 or 20 years ago, and the long-term effects.
..And as people document the work that they've done, some successes and their failures, that some of that early work did not get to the public. I mean, it was in some New England journal somewhere.
But certainly it was in the process of being looked at and studied. That information was not released.
We weren't taught that in school. I went to one of the most prestigious social-work schools, at that time, in the country and in all of my studying, we didn't have a course in child abuse.
I'll have to see if I can dig up the thread, as I re-call though, that quote was made around 20 years ago, not only recently like they're implying.