I would advise against dabbling unless you read up and are fully prepared for consequences. I never ever call upon spirits. A particularly nasty spirit could choose to influence you and STILL not reveal itself.
I once had a ghost (my husbands deceased grandma on the day of her death) speak to me and convey a message that I didnt really understand. I was 100% sure this message was a valid one, and I told two people: my husband and his cousin who happened to be staying with us at the time. She basically showed me a gift (I saw it in my mind) that had not been given and she wanted it known that this gift was something she'd intended to give. None of us knew what that was, until 2 weeks later when a gift wrapped package, fitting my description, was found in her attic. This package was for my husbands cousin (who had been staying with us!). Her fiance had died 2 weeks before her wedding, and this gift was her grannys wedding gift to her...a family heirloom tea set...which had never been given because of the tragedy. Granny obviously wanted her to now have it...
So this could not have been a hallucination. It was verified by other people and I couldnt possibly have known.
There are safe ways to tap into your own higher consciousness. I advise you to NEVER use ouija board or anything like that. Im of the opinion that if you are meant to know these things, then you eventually will.
Be Careful!!