Watchtower 2055 Feb 1st "Theodore Jarcz the last member of the anionted died today when his robotic heart and kidneys gave out, he was 130 years old."
Watchtower 2060 Feb 1st "The faithful Great Crowd Class has through careful study found that "This Generation" refers not to the annionted but to the "Pepsi Generation" who will not die out before Armegedon."
Watchtower 2090 Feb 1st "This Generation refers to the Robotic Generation of 2040 which will not power down till the Great Tribulation arrives."
Watchtower 2300 Feb 1st "Cybernetic robot implants are not for true Christians....publisher figures finally reach 8 million."
Watchtower 2301 Feb 1st "Cybernetic robot implants are a conscience matter, it is up to each individual to decide."
Watchtower 2400 Feb 1st " The first Cyborg member of the Governing body was appointed today. 7 of 9 has been pioneering 24/7 for 200 years. "
Watchtower 3560 Feb 1st "Armagedon is very close, it won't be long now...really, honestly Brothers."