Jehovah keeps sifting and cleanning out the organization. This board is proof of that sifting work. Congratulations on being cleansed out of Jehovah's organization because of your inmoral and prideful lives.
Jehovah is sifting the organization
by YoYoMama 42 Replies latest jw friends
Well then welcome aboard yoyo - sift, sift. Glad ya could make it!
Bugger off. We get morons like you almost daily.
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....
You can say that again! It is indeed great to be here in the real world.
By the way, you hit the nail on the head with immoral AND prideful, that's me!
Hey Yoyo,
Maybe you can change your name to Uzzah or Uzziah.
They too usurped Jehovah's authority.
2 Samuel 6:6-7 ***
6 And they came gradually as far as the threshing floor of Na'con, and Uz'zah now thrust [his hand] out to the ark of the [true] God and grabbed hold of it, for the cattle nearly caused an upset. 7 At that Jehovah’s anger blazed against Uz'zah and the [true] God struck him down there for the irreverent act, so that he died there close by the ark of the [true] God.2 Chronicles 26:16-21 ***
16 However, as soon as he was strong, his heart became haughty even to the point of causing ruin, so that he acted unfaithfully against Jehovah his God and came into the temple of Jehovah to burn incense upon the altar of incense. 17 Immediately Az·a·ri'ah the priest and with him priests of Jehovah, eighty valiant men, came in after him. 18 Then they stood up against Uz·zi'ah the king and said to him: “It is not your business, O Uz·zi'ah, to burn incense to Jehovah, but it is the business of the priests the sons of Aaron, the ones sanctified, to burn incense. Go out from the sanctuary; for you have acted unfaithfully, and it is not for any glory to you on the part of Jehovah God.”
19 But Uz·zi'ah became enraged while in his hand there was a censer for burning incense, and, during his rage against the priests, leprosy itself flashed up in his forehead before the priests in the house of Jehovah beside the altar of incense. 20 When Az·a·ri'ah the chief priest and all the priests turned toward him, why, there he was stricken with leprosy in his forehead! So they excitedly began to remove him from there, and he himself also hastened to go out, because Jehovah had smitten him.
21 And Uz·zi'ah the king continued to be a leper until the day of his death, and he kept dwelling in a house exempt from duties, as a leper; for he had been severed from the house of Jehovah, while Jo'tham his son was over the king’s house, judging the people of the land. -
Hi Chuck,
How are you doing Matey, not visited the UK for a while I see.
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....
Mommie Dark
Jehovah is sifting his butt crust and a YoYo fell out. Too bad it had to fall in Simon's little wading pool.
Perhaps - when one sifts it is what is sifted that is of value, not the scummy dross that is left behind.
Lionel Hartley
I think YoYo is FredHall.
Not Fred Hall - his lovely bride to be?