How correct you are. Jah is drawing all the good people OUT of the org so when judgement comes, the Watchtower org will be full of evil and worthy of its sentence - being thrown alive into the firey lake.
Jehovah is sifting the organization
by YoYoMama 42 Replies latest jw friends
Right on, Logi.....I'm with you on this one! (hehehe)
logical ! YES, You are absolutely right...
Get out of her, my people... -
Yoyomama started posting around Fred's normal time and Fred didn't show up today. They have similar condescending and inflammatory styles and both avoid answering specific points raised. Either it's Fred or his sister...
Gawd! You have it all backwards, YoYo. Jehovah kicked the Watchtower Society out of Christianity. And the ex-JWs who leave are simply getting out of Babylon the Great. Got that now? - Amazing
Dan B
"Congratulations on being cleansed out of Jehovah's organization because of your inmoral and prideful lives."
Typical JW judgemental attitude. How do you know how I live? You make me sick!
Dan B
The spelling is on par with Fred's work, that's for sure.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA-thanks for the laugh yoyo. And your post is evidence that the my leaving was totally justified. THANKS!!!
Yo Yo....ARE YOU SECRETLY CARRYING ON SIN?Why don't you ask your P.O. if he would like to come to this board as you are? Seems to me like your talking to a lot of dissfellowshipped and apostate people here.
Are witnesses supposed to do that.
By the way.....which congregation do you attend?......Oh! I'm can't tell because you have to HIDE THE FACT YOU ARE HERE.
Do you think they would D.F. you if they found out or at least reprimand you? If so........WHY ARE YOU HERE?
Sounds like a fred hall type to me. Simon would know -
Hey YoYo - sift this!!!