Flog Her!!!

by Gill 17 Replies latest social current

  • Gill

    Has anyone else been rather surprised (not) at the Islamic reaction to this English teacher?

    I just wondered. Either I missed something, or some people in the world are and have always been totally INSANE!!! (And I don't mean the English teacher either!)


  • Mary

    ".....Gillian Gibbons, 54, allowed her class of seven-year-olds at the Unity High School, Khartoum, to name a teddy bear Mohammed....."

    Has anyone else been rather surprised (not) at the Islamic reaction to this English teacher?

    Ya....you could knock me over with a feather, I'm so surprised at this Islamic reaction. I mean, naming a teddy bear after Mohammed? Surely that's a Capitol Offense in that wacked out religion/culture. I'm surprised they didn't chop her head off or hang her for an offense like that.

  • Gill

    Don't give 'em any ideas, Mary!!!! Head chopping is pretty popular in crazy Muslim land!!

  • AlphaOmega

    This is bizzarre !

    I've known people to have the name Mohammed... what is the problem ? It wasn't an effigy, nor was it specifically named after the prophet. As far as I knew, the class chose the name.

    So, everyone gets up in arms about it, but this is okay :

    I'm a Christian, and I'm not even remotely offended by this - infact I own a couple.

    Surely God is big enough to take it.

  • Gill

    God may well be big enough to take it, but then he's probably not a Muslim! That's the difference!

    Talk about religion of peace! On which parallel universe is that, exactly?

  • BurnTheShips

    I LOVE Buddy Christ!

  • White Dove
    White Dove
    But children are named Muhamed. It's just a name until you put "Prophet" in front of it. They just like to find excuses to beat and kill people. I think Islam is another name for worldwide genocide. There is nothing anyone can say about it that will ever change my mind on how Islam is just a front for a killing machine, just like Christianity hid behind the name when killing all throughout history. Christianity has changed, though. I like the Buddy Jesus, too.
  • bubble

    It's utter madness, but nothing surprises me when it comes to the Muslim faith. They're nearly as mad as the JW's.

  • Paralipomenon
    It's utter madness, but nothing surprises me when it comes to the Muslim faith. They're nearly as mad as the JW's.

    Madness?? THIS IS ISLAAAAAAM!!!

    *punts bubble into a well*

  • bubble

    It's the same thing ain't it?

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