Thank you Gringa,
No more guilt. I knew when I did this they'd be those that took great offense... my dad and mom completely quit speaking to me, but they really hadn't been parents for some time now, they'd come by and give me the old how ya doing about once a year, leave me photos of the "family"vacation that I wasn't invited to...ya know, stuff like that.
But I went to a funeral last year in Feb, and found that my 13 year old nephew had been baptised already and I went off the charts... kept asking myself "how many more must suffer in my family becasue I'm a coward"? I couldn't live with myself anymore, I knew I was the one that was right and I wasn't going to take that shit any longer.
SO, I made a package, wrote a letter with facts, documented facts, and mailed said letter off to every family member I could get their adresses... I wrote m dad first, he was a lot like the shit head AYLMAN guy this week that defended the WT position on abuse of childern. I wasn't getting answers from ole dad, just sidestepping and honestly smart ass comments like I was an idiot. I knew its those following men that are the idiots and you know what? I couldn't take it any longer. I was sick of seeing my family enslaved to these fools. So that's how I decided to handle it... the results were mixed, but there were those in the family, still witnesses that took mjy side, two of them were vocal about it and many-mostly those married, didn't want me to say it publicly but told me in private they agreed.
Now, as for you, you know what's best for you... It may be worse if you did it, but you never know. SOmetimes a bomb like the one I threw takes a long time to take effect.
As for the naysayers on this forum, its hard enough when you try something like htis, many of you told me it wouldn't work and sent very discouraging letters... after a few weeks I came to realize that many of you are just sad that you've done nothing. How's that doing nothing working out for you? How many people have you effected by doing nothing? I'm not trying to be harsh, but I really want to know why so many of you take crap of a group of people who are acting like a bunch of absolute fools? ANd worse yet, put down those that do somehting about it?
ANyway, the letter writing worked on several levels, many came out openly, many were pissed, amnd many didn't say squat. But all of them were talking about it. So, ,my mission has just began, I'll be composing another doosey on this child molestation thing this week, and they won't be able to defend this crap. Good luck everybody, I hope you'll share what works for you with me....