I can't share any of my stories of letters because I walked away and I didn't look back - but, what do you have to lose? you are not close to the family anyway - -
Look, I was a lone, young woman with my whole life ahead of me, I had doubts, serious doubts and I was alone. Totally alone. I did it, I was brave, I got out. But, my god, how wonderful it would have been to get a letter from one of my aunts, uncles, cousins telling me that my doubts were founded!!!! To know that I had a voice to talk to!! WOW! That might have saved me from 10 years of LSD trips to find God and mj, induced stoopers. - but, hey, I guess that was not ll bad, I had a good time!....... even if no one replies, you have perhaps saved one -
I am sure your letters will start to be returned to you unopeneed from some of them, they may keep your letters out of their children's hands, but hey, I understand, you are doing the right thing. I am proud of you.
See, once you get to where we are, we don't give a damn any more - we are not afraid any more. We have already lost all our friends, our families, we have a new life. MAybe I will write some letters myself.....LOL