Pumpkins in the Kingdom Hall yard....now Christmas lights...you can too

by oompa 81 Replies latest jw friends

  • 4mylove

    Attacked and disrespected?

    As close as they are to God, how can anything hurt them? Besides the statments alone that my mother in law says to me during these times are more evil than any damn lights or garland.

  • carla

    To force your beliefs on them by decorating the KH ( harrassing carla) is disrespectful and mean.--- ah, that's good! Can I use that the next time I am sending the kh, elders, my jw, NY, and every damn jw who keeps knocking on my door a letter or verbal plea to stay the hell away from me? Maybe Santa will bring me a paintball gun and my then they will get the hint.

    On to decorating tips, a little tinsel goes a long way.

  • 4mylove

    Has anyone ever seen the video of the two monkeys having relations and the other monkey comes in and pokes the male in the booty with his finger.....?

    Don't know how this relates but sounded like something oompa would like to watch, it is the funniest thing!!!

  • momzcrazy

    Oohh tinsel would be pretty!


  • 4mylove

    thanks momz,

    Where's oompa, he started it! (feel like a kid again)

    I LOVE THIS PLACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I agree that it is mean to invade someone else's private space.....hmmmm double meaning?


  • momzcrazy

    Monkey porn, where do I find it?

    oompa, have you left the building?

    Silly Couple


  • oompa

    I was doing another thread about my sonsbirthday today (d/f'd). Holy cow, I had no idea Noni would take this so bad, esp. after I told her I just thought it was funny.....and believe me I would have. And if you do decorate a dubs house it is a riot!! Esp. if they are out of town for a few days and all the other dubs see the light lit up at night!!!!!!

    dandg I hit enter too soon

    I don't think it's any more disrespectful than knocking on someone's DOORSTEP during the holidays and telling them that that THEIR beliefs are a lie.

    I don't think it's as mean as treating those in your own family like $hit because they believe differently.

    I don't think it's as mean as telling someone else how to handle they medical issues and ask them to place that loved ones life on the line because of their warped bible translation.

    Sorry, couldn't hold it in

    4mylove this was too much and I hope to meet you soon....a homerun.......................oompa

  • oompa
    MOMZ: You're right. I'm sorry that you're bothered. There's a nice thread about movies you could check out.


    Oh momz you are the subtle one aren't you! Want to meet you too....lets get 4mylove too...she knows about private spaces...oompa

  • momzcrazy

    I'm in a mood oompa. I just hope 4 brings the monkey tape.


  • 4mylove

    Didn't mean to hijack the thread. This is a really tough time for me. I hope my hubby one day sees past all the tingle and glowing orbs on the tree and sees the family gatherings, company parties that bring all the spouses and kids together. If for nothing else this makes this time special.

    Always love reading your posts Oompa.

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