This really bothers me. I've been reading up latelty alot about the Gb and it's relationship to or lack there -in of the annointed. Jesus' spirit begotten followers, here on earth, the citizens of the New Jerusalem, make up the faithful and discreet slave, correct? Through a breakdown chart of the current org., I see where there is no direct link between the GB or communication with the annointed class as a whole at all. Considering this, the FDS are the ones that jw's are supposed to be being fed by. That's not happening is it? It's the GB. Wouldn't it make sense then, that considering that there are over 15,000 positions held in the wts that they would invite ALL of the fds to bethel service? Then, ALL the fds could collectively share in a forum any spiritual guidance they recieve from the Holy Spirit. Right now it seems sort of backwards. Pity that those of the remnant are sitting in a local cong. and not being able to share in their inherited right.
Why aren't all of the Annointed at Bethel?
by nomoreguilt 18 Replies latest watchtower bible
Great point, but then that would mean the GB of old white boys would have to give power away to a greater number, and they certainly don't want that. It's interesting isnt' it that the entire body of the FDS is all white MEN. Speaks volumes in and of itself me thinks.
You are right and it's something I've often thought over the years - as have many others. According to scripture as interpreted by the JWs there should be 144,000 EQUALS all going to heaven. Nowhere is there supposed to be an elite governing body that oversees the others of the 144,000. In fact, if you read Ray Franz's books he states that those of the 144,000 outside of Bethel were treated just like those of the earthly class.
Also in direct contradiction to the GB is the fact the the WHOLE of the 144,000 are supposed to dispense spiritual food and not just an elite group. We had an old lady in my old cong who considered herself one of the anointed - but she never once distributed spiritual food to the rest of us and, just like the rest of us, took her orders from the elders. How can that be right?!
The truth of the matter, as we all know, is that it's all a money-making scam.
Oh, just wanted to add that although I am sure they exist, I have never seen a black or hispanic or chinese Circuit Overseer, District Overseer, zip, in my country, having been a witness in 3 provinces, that is rather surprizing, due to the vast diversity of brothers and sisters of various ethnic heritage in this country.But none that have made it past elder status, and only one elder that I know of that is a black man, one who is hispanic and those were both in large urban centers. I think the "society" is alot more racially prejudiced than they like to admit, to say the least.
It's interesting isnt' it that the entire body of the FDS is all white MEN
There is a black gentleman on the Governing Body.
In our lifetime, I expect there to be a Latino/Hispanic member added as well.
The reason for all members being men is Biblical.
It's simply a continuation of Judeo-Christian tradition.
There is a black gentleman on the Governing Body.
In our lifetime, I expect there to be a Latino/Hispanic member added as well.
The reason for all members being men is Biblical.
It's simply a continuation of Judeo-Christian tradition.
I stand corrected.
I see where there is no direct link between the GB or communication with the annointed class as a whole at all.
There is direct link...the GB votes themselves rulers for life and the FDS sits and watches because they all know its one big farce perpetrated back at a time when the JW's had to make the big split and the only way to do that was to let the first 144,000 people in for free (as long as they promised not to tell). Where there is absolutely no direct link or communication is between God and the GB.
R's Hubby
The GB is setting it up to the point that the are on the same level as the "other sheep". That's obvious by the recent QFR article that sunk the idea that 1935 was the cut-off year for selectin gthe anointed. By stating what they did in that particular article they already have placed the rest of the "anointed" in the same "your not so special" category as the other sheep.
To simply put it.....the Governing Body is the FDS. They say that they're the spokesmen of the FDS but other FDS members are silenced from offering any input.
ALL points are valid, ever notice that those anointed in the congregations are more sheepish than the other sheep? Why? Because they have truth reveled to them, and they cant share it because the GB hasnt determined that its the "due season" to feed the flock. My grandfather would share with me as a the 50's..and when I had dissagreements with the elders, they pulled out the WT and I pulled out the Word, I always closed the mouths of those blind guilds with the "real" truth.
The bulk of the FGS in the field as scared, they have no input into the writting of the literature, or the operation of the organization. I know of one anointed, that was used by the borg to "clean up" congregations, the went to Bethel to share truths only to have the doors slamed in his face. Too think that that little clic didnt want truth from a "heavenly" brother, or to take the time to reprove him "if" he was incorrect.
They truely do not understand the parable of body parts and how it has to funtion as a whole, and in cooperation with all it parts. I think all us assholes should go on strike and let the undigestable crap they put out back up. Didnt mean to offend.
Thanks be to all. I just returned home from work, am self employed, and didn't have the opprtunity to stay on-line and monitor all. I am very impressed with the number of perceptive minds that are in here. The wts would have us all labeled as mindless, blinded, incoherrant slaves to darkness. " LUKE, come over to the DARK SIDE", Darth Vader, thank you.
But, wouldn't it make sense to everyone in the wts ,that if you have the heavenly that you would that you would be more than welcome, in fact PERSONALLY invited to fill one of the 15,000 positions in the borg????Thank you all again.