Because in all reality the "Faithful Slave" is a myth and means little to the operational value of the Watchtower.
Why aren't all of the Annointed at Bethel?
by nomoreguilt 18 Replies latest watchtower bible
Where the hey are the anointed? And what is there average age? How are they taking the lead in the worldwide work when most should be nursing homes by now? I have not even seen a 144k in at least 20 years, and probably 30 since one was in my hall......oompa
A 16 year old pioneer gets more attention from the GB than the so called "brothers of christ" that are supposed to be part of the "bride" class.
Their doctrine of the FDS is nothing but a joke. It only serves to keep them in power with full authority over the flock.
Nothing but a dictatorship like Mussolini and Hitler or Suddam Hussein.
Was there not a question from readers or something lately telling any anointed in congregations that they must follow the directions from the elders and not try to interfere???????
They don't want all the elderly, infirm annointed ones™ in bethel to care for. They'd rather have all the young, strong, impresionable people there to work in the factory for free.
The FDS story is simply the means by which the GB justifies its power. The reality is that the men on that body are dedicated loyalists who have worked their way up the organizational hierarchy. There is simply no way the GB would share power with anyone who simply claims to be part of the same special group. That would pose too great a threat to their power.
There's a much more complex answer, one that traces the JW development of the FDS doctrine. I really don't know enough to write in great detail about it, but the FDS doctrine was originally used to justify Russell's power over the Watchtower organization. Originally, Russell, himself, was the faithful and discreet slave. The doctrine has morphed over the years into where it stands today. Of course, the doctrine falls apart under critical analysis, but the purpose isn't to have an airtight religious doctrine. The purpose of the FDS doctrine today is solely to justify the governing body's authority.
It is true that it makes no sense to give the governing body sole authority over the entire organization since the FDS, which under the current understanding is supposed to be comprised of all of the anointed remnant, are supposed to be the ones taking the lead, but the governing body gets around that by claiming to be spokesmen or an elder body for the FDS. JWs are indoctrinated to obey above all, so this trick has been very successful in the JW context.
They sure as hell don't want any women (supposedly anointed) to be teaching a man anything, they by their own actions show that they are putting themselves higher than women. I have met some really brilliant women who just happened to be witness and to see their abilities wasted and actually looked down upon is disheartening at best. They also put themselves above all others and if one isn't a GB member, they are just part of the R&F in their eyes. Blind idiots., its really all about following the money.
When I was at Bethel, there was a fellow there named Dan Smoley. I knew him from the LA area back in the 60s, and we hadn't crossed paths for some 10 years.
Anyway, he ended up being the Theocratic Ministry School overseer at the Brooklyn Bethel KH, and professed to be of the anointed. He even had the audacity to mark Fred Franz as "weak" on one of Fred's talks! We all laughed...this youngster taking on the old man. LOL
Dan ended up resigning from Bethel, and headed upstate Jersey, to be a special pioneer. He said it was because Bethel didn't fit in with what he felt was his "calling": to help other people.
He sold me a glass cover for our standard Bethel desks for $5.
As new ones become annointed, they are working their way there. Some are probably still in high school, so the move may take a while.