My wife FINALLY quits Witnessing and Meetings admits I was right!!!

by Witness 007 26 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    For afew years a have been fading and telling my wife how I feel about such false doctrines as Blood Transfusions, 607 b.c.e date etc. etc. At first she would say "Don't talk to me about discouraging things!!" Since I haven't been attending meetings or field service for over 2 years she has slowly quit 1. Witnessing, then 2. Theocratic school which she hated anyway but was forced to do. 3.Attending meetings. I find it wierd being "worldly" I still feel that fear and guilt. Like when we voted for the first time last week. It was HER idea to vote...unreal! I feel like an alien leaving the Mother ship fpr the first time. We seem to be doing Okay. One problem is our Old friends and my family are Witnesses. If they visit us how can I take them to meetings? After 10 years of zealous service as Pioneer/servant I found ALL the Elders and Publishers too scared to ever ask me WHY I left. Sometimes they still visit like a week ago. But it's all "how you going we miss you." {Arrhhh} "Hows work." If anyone pushed me at all I would fire both barrells...but no one dares. I was famous for my research ablity in tearing up other religions.{before turning this on myself] I guess they know I have good reasons and back off....even my old Pioneer partner rang last month. I know he's heard all about me from others. He doesn't dare ask me WHY. He's like; "Yeah, let's get together I miss you. {Arrrh} Let's go out Witnessing and have lunch." I know he won't find the time so I agree. I don't have many {correction ANY} worldly friends but we have each other and my dogs I think I will be Okay. Alone or with friends I don't really mind...but my wife is a people person it will drive her nuts for sure.

    P.S If one more Witness tells me ;"We miss you!" I'm going to go friggin nutcase crazy!!!

  • OnTheWayOut

    This is a great story. Thanks for sharing.

    If they visit us how can I take them to meetings?

    Two possibilities: You will not mention the meetings and they may not either. Many JW's hate
    the actual meetings. OR You can just deal with it when it happens, saying you no longer attend,
    but would be happy to drop them off. That leads to an anti-witness where you say as much as
    you dare. You will have to face this, but don't be scared.

    I don't have many {correction ANY} worldly friends but we have each other and my dogs I think I will be Okay.

    Start developing those friends. Hobbies, volunteering, vacationing, adult education classes.
    You have a beautiful thing here with the wife. Just don't let her get bored enough to go back
    to the Hall.

  • Gregor

    Well, the hairs in the butter now! You seemed to have had your fade under control but now that your wife has joined you it's going to be very difficult to avoid some consequences. I wish you well but personally I would take the initiative. I'd rather quit than be fired.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    "On the way out" I found using the "Jehovah's Witness" aproach works very well. Use Pioneer tact, don't be too pushy...when seeing something on T.V regarding a cult or blood I would make a tactful remark about the Witnesses. I used every opertunity to make her think about her faith. P.S My wife is very very VERY headstrong and will NOT be pushed into anything. This took years to acomplish. GOOD LUCK.

  • OnTheWayOut
    You seemed to have had your fade under control but now that your wife has joined you it's going to be very difficult to avoid some consequences.

    I dream of having the problem of dealing with such consequences.

    Wish you well in this new "problem."

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    When people are given the freedom to think for themselves they will eventually come around. After being married to me I saw some big changes in my wife. Slowly she realized that she did not have to bend to all of the pressures from her family and the JW community. I provided a place where she could be herself. Such an open atmosphere allowed for her to begin to move outside of the JW bonds.

  • confused and lost
    confused and lost

    I wish you well my friend.I have left the WTS mentally but I go physically (for now) for the sake of my wife and daughter.I am finding such a struggle to sit there knowing that this "religion" is nothing more than sham.I hope all goes well for you both.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    007 you made my day!!!


    You give me hope.

    Open Mind

  • Satanus

    Wow! Congratulations!! You patience and tact have finally paid off. Are you going to do something special for/w your wife as a sort of coming out celebration? Isn't it often the take no prisoner/heavy researcher jws that research their way right out of the wt? The fear and guilt goes away slowly, as you discover that 99% of wt doctrine is pure fantasy. Being on your own, a bit lost without the mothership can take a long time to leave behind. Depends how long, or from how young you were a dub. After 12 yrs out, it's something i grapple w daily.


  • MadTiger

    United in non-false worship.

    I am happy she saw the light on that organization.

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