she's gone back into the hospital again, complaining of her symptoms worsening (they said get in if that happens) so a long couple of days turns into what is going to be a nightmare week, hopefully she gets out tomorrow. i'm alright but things are difficult without real support. megans mum is a clown, megans stupid brother tried messing with meg's mums head by asking if she was sure if i didnt push megan off the ladders (good job he lives in ireland) - then she has the cheek to tell me today he asked after megan, who hates him for the abuse she suffered (sexual unfortunately) when she was just 12 and he was 18. my mum and stepdad are being as helpful as they can, but when your alone at night with a crying baby and your stressed out about everything from moving, megans health, your own and financial situation it does make you realise just what the wife/mum has to manage. i just wish someone from the family would take noah on for a night with me being there so i can get sleep. this week i've been up early to go out and sort things like paperwork, bank stuff, sick benefit for myself. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lol.
Megan back in Hospital
by KW13 19 Replies latest jw friends
oh sorry to hear that
I remember how tired I would get caring for everything, so I understand.
If I were closer I would take the little Noah in and let you sleep
i know you would purps, which is why i vent on places like this - because people are good people.
It sounds like you're having a nightmare time at the moment, what with the worry about Megan and everything else. You said your mum and step-dad are being helpful and I don't know if they live near you, but would it be possible for them to have the baby for a night so you can get some rest? At least then you may be able to cope better with all the other stresses. I hope Megan is better soon and give her my love and best wishes.
I don't know what part of England that you live in; but could this service be of help??
Also in this section: About Us | Services for Carers | Young Carers | Mission Statement About us
Care for the Carers Ltd is a registered charitable company set up in 1989 to provide services for carers. We work throughout East Sussex, and our Back Protection Service also extends into Brighton and Hove. Our head office is in Eastbourne, and we have an area office in Hastings. (See Contact Us for details.)
What we do
We work to support all those people in East Sussex who look after sick or disabled relatives, friends, neighbours, partners or children in their own homes. People who do this are often referred to as 'carers'. There are an estimated 47,000 carers in East Sussex aged over 16; there are also an unknown number of 'young carers'– children and young people under the age of 18 who look after parents, grandparents, brothers or sisters.
The main focus of our work is our Outreach Service. This is a home-visiting service where an Outreach Worker meets with the carer to identify their need for support services, information, social security benefits, etc, and then helps to arrange these.
Among other services for carers we provide
- A Back Protection Service to advise carers on safe ways of moving their disabled person
- Training courses and taster sessions to enable carers to access therapeutic activities and to learn new skills
- "CareLine", a bi-monthly magazine
- A Young Carers Service to support children and young people who have caring responsibilities
- "Youthability", a respite service which provides social and leisure activities for young people aged 13 to 30 who live in the Wealden area
Sorry to hear things aren't going well. I wish there was someone nearby to help with the baby. You need your rest too, so you can help Megan when she gets home. Even when she's home, you're both going to need some help for a few days. Can someone take him during the day so you could at least nap?
I know how stressful it can be trying to care for a little baby when you are beyond exhausted. I feel for you. Wish we were closer to help.
Ahhh... the joys of parenthood!!!!
Remember that "this too shall pass".
You are young, you are strong, you love your can do this.
Hang in there,
Sorry to hear she's back in the hospital, but it is better where they can monitor her symptoms, etc.
This is a rough week for you both and baby-please hang in there.
Hoping Megan recovers soon.
Likewise, as has been said - I'm a grandma who loves to take care of the bibblee-boos....please hang in there as you are - doing the best you can for the will always be glad you did, and we all understand how tough it is....courage!
cognizant dissident
My best new mom/dad advice:
Sleep with baby. They will cry less and you nap with them!
Screen your calls, especially ones from annoying relatives and friends who do not help at all.
If anyone is so rude as to just stop by for a visit, give them chores to do! Do not ask, tell them. It is no ruder than stopping by uninivited.
Cancel all non-essential activities (screw the housework).
Prioritize: eat & sleep (you and baby), work and money things that have to be done right now, everything else can wait.
Breathe again!
It gets easier.
If baby starts crying and won't stop and you are getting frustrated and losing patience, put baby in crib, close door, lie down, put a pillow over your head (not the baby's!) and breathe until you are ready to deal with it. Take as long as you need. Baby won't die from a little crying but your sanity could be saved!
Breathe some more! This too shall pass.