Australia Bethel Sister suicide due to health problems is this justified??

by Witness 007 11 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Bethel = About 4 years ago a former pioneer / Bethel Sisiter and husband had to leave due to bad health and move to the suburbs. Some time ago while working on some "worldly" job some shelves hit her in the back causing server injury. She suffered with her pain till she could not stand it any more. One day her husband was at work when he could not reach her on the phone. He though this very worrying since she never left the house. He rushed home, only to find she had Gassed herself in the garage. This was very sad and tragic. A Brother paid for the husband to go on vacation which I thought was nice. The Watchtower policy says that suicide is "self murder. But, if someone is suffering un-controlable pain isn't this justified?

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan
    The Watchtower policy says that suicide is "self murder. But, if someone is suffering un-controlable pain isn't this justified?

    A question that society as a whole has not yet come to a consensus on. Not really a Watchtower specific position.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    What's YOUR personal opinion...Okay let me begin. If I was suffering from say terminal Liver cancer. I would not want to suffer for weeks in a hospital hooked up to tubes and machines. There are more peaceful ways to go....go to Las Vegas and party...see old friends and family and then D.I.Y.

  • Satanus

    'if someone is suffering un-controlable pain isn't this justified?'

    I think it is. After all, whose life is it, anyway? Of course, loved ones and dependents should be taken into consideration.

    Christians will say that ones life does not belong to oneself. Fine for them. Whatever.


  • mouthy

    Christians will say that ones life does not belong to oneself. Fine for them. Whatever.

    Not all Christians say that. I know I was bought with a price .But I do think it is a great kindness if one is in such terrible pain they can opt themselves. I have been in such ungodly pain I have thought of it often. But think of those left behind ,They would feel the pain ( I know so many of them love me) .
    I cannot understand if we think it is a kindness to put down suffering animals ,what is the differance ?
    I know !I know ! all the Christians will take me to task over my reply, but sorry it is MY thought

  • snowbird
    I know !I know ! all the Christians will take me to task over my reply, but sorry it is MY thought

    And we're all entitled to our thoughts, Grace. But, judging is to be done by the Son of Man. Isn't that wonderful?


  • R.Crusoe

    No human ever asks to be born! Many of us live for the benefit of others and not ourselves. I believe it is the right of every individual to end their own lives if they so wish. They did not request life and so it should be an option all societies accept that if an individual feels so sad they wish to leave their lives they are helped to do so. I think it a foundation of love to give others a way out of something that so pains them, whether psychological or physical. Selfish love holds many in the prison of life! It is cruel and heartless!

  • dogisgod

    I wouldn't let my animals suffer.

  • tula

    When our animals are terminally ill and suffer, we are told that "euthanesia is the last act of kindness" that we can do for them.

    When our human loved ones are in the same position, sometimes I cannot help but think life and agony are prolonged due to the "industry" aspect of the medical profession and "industry" of law. I do believe we should all have that freedom of choice when it is a case of suffering IF WE HAVE EXHAUSTED ALL AVENUES OF HELP...if there is ABSOLUTELY NO HOPE of recovery. The dilemma here is...there are always cases against the odds that DO recover and there are meds like morphine to get you through the worst of it. really is a tough call, but I believe that people should have the right to die with dignity. excerpt below:

    The Hemlock Society in the United States has been in existence for 17 years and has an estimated 25,000 members. It is the oldest organization of its kind on this continent and therefore deserves special attention in regard to just what its leaders have been advocating in regard to euthanasia - as it turns out, the words and actions of Hemlock leaders often indicate a more radical agenda than the public stance of the organization itself.)

    Dori Zook, Hemlock Society public relations director, has claimed on this list that Hemlock supports legalization of physician- assisted death only in cases of terminal illness. And Hemlock's website asserts that the Society favors physician-assisted suicide strictly for someone "who is already in the dying process." But there is a glaring discrepancy between this official stance and what prominent members of Hemlock have said and done.

    For example, there is this little gem from Hemlock co-founder Derek Humphry's book, Final Exit:

      "What can those of us who sympathize with a justified suicide by a handicapped person do to help? When we have statutes on the books permitting lawful physician aid-in-dying for the terminally ill, I believe that along with this reform there will come a more tolerant attitude to the other exceptional cases."

  • Mum

    Unbearable anguish - who can say what someone else's limit is - or one's own, for that matter.

    I have heard JW's condemn those who did or would commit suicide, saying something like, "Well, that's taking a life!"

    BTW, letting babies die for want of a blood transfusion and ruining someone's life with abuse are in the category of "taking a life" as well, Watchtower.

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