For the record; I don't agree with R.Crusoe Who said MENTAL or physical problems are an excuse for suicide. Mental problems {e.g feeling suicidal, or depression} is a sickness but not a terminal one! This condition can be treated with drugs and counceling, which I fully support Mental illness effects many people in society and can most times be fixed. I was refering to TERMINALY ILL PATIENTS who have no chance of survival and are nearing death, but are in a fit state of mind.
Australia Bethel Sister suicide due to health problems is this justified??
by Witness 007 11 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Mental problems {e.g feeling suicidal, or depression} is a sickness but not a terminal one!
Actually, the "mental condition" of suicidal ideation is the ONLY cause of suicide (regardless of the source of that ideation).
The Sufferings of Young Werther by Goethe gives an apologists view of suicide due to mental suffering. In actuality, drugs for mental suffering are not a panacea, have their own side effects that impact quality of life, and in some cases are ineffective.
It's really not possible to give a blanket denial to those who would end their lives, whatever the cause of their suffering, nor do I advocate a blanket approval. Such a decision must come from careful deliberation with a wide field of input.