When I was a JW several brothers (MS) told me in private that the elders had asked them several times if they did not want to become an Elder. They said they rejected because it was too much responsibility for them. Were you ever approached that the BOE wanted to make you an Elder but you refused?
Have You Ever Rejected Being Appointed an Elder/MS Before the Announcement?
by GermanXJW 32 Replies latest jw friends
Yes actually I was approched with the question if I wanted to become an elder. In fact it was already approved by the branche, but I did not feel like it to beome elder. had some other things on my mind at that time, he he he. So I did refuse. They were not happy at all, but hey, what can they do.....
end of eternity
A CO said if you do not want to become an Elder you cannot be a MS either because you have to reach out. However, I am wondering if the JW who told me those stories were just bragging and in reality were keen to get appointed.
A CO said if you do not want to become an Elder you cannot be a MS either because you have to reach out.
I've never heard that one before. I guess that rules out the possibility of one being a career ministerial servant.
They did not mind it in my case. I was an MS and stayed an MS after refusing to become an elder.
Of course there was some commotion, they were not happy... But no one spoke of giving up my MS "title"... so it doe snot have to be that way i think...
Maybe it was the COs personal opinion.
I know an elder who rejected it twice before he was pressured to accept. He last one year; he "resigned" stepped down because of all the elder infighting.
Maybe it was the COs personal opinion.
Perhaps it was. The Org is hurting for those willing to be used in these positions, and they should be happy if someone just wants to be an MS without being presured to move further up the WT corporate ladder. They can miss out on alot of them by using force.
No but I once asked a brother (M/S) and he refused
Funny, they never ONCE asked me if I wanted to be an elder or an MS. Hmmmpppphhhh!