Yes defender of truth - I believe you have hit the nail on the head as regards Quendi's non-appointment!
Have You Ever Rejected Being Appointed an Elder/MS Before the Announcement?
by GermanXJW 32 Replies latest jw friends
LOL at freddo and defender of truth. But, of course, you never served in the congregations I did so you aren't in a position to judge. There are a couple of members of this forum who were in the same congregation with me and know that I'm telling the truth. Lack of humility is one thing, my friends, but false modesty is another and is just as bad. Few of the elders and servants in my congregation had more than a high school education. Their speaking and teaching abilities left much to be desired, relying as they did exclusively on WTS training. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know what the result of such education and training will be.
The WTS promotes false modesty in many ways. It talks about humility, but its staunch and unwavering opposition to higher education, personal growth and development of individual gifts and talents--except when these can be used and exploited by the WTS in its projects--and people seeking a different way of life and new opportunities show that it would rather stifle others than see them grow. I had Theocratic School Overseers come to me for help in how to understand the WTS Guidebook; elders who sought my counsel on how to talk to householders in the canvassing work; and traveling overseers praise my abilities. Perhaps you and others have had similar experiences and can speak to mine. If not, then you're not in the best position to judge what I have seen.
Be that as it may, I was certainly not the only capable man to be passed over due to fear and envy. As I posted, being overlooked did me no real and lasting harm. And judging by what others have posted on this thread, there are many who can say the same.
I was 3 times over the years in different congregation, I turnd it down each time. Being an ms for 20+ years was political enough, being careful witch elders you close to, witch ones to really listen to. Having to tip toeing around, when you have two elders with the god complex, and each hates the other! Not thst all the different elder bodies I worked with were like this, but enough were!